So on Nugent's Facebook page you can find this video of a black man, purported to be Michale Brown, striking another man from behind and then beating him and robbing him. It is quite terrible to be sure.
Nugent reposted the above video and then added his own comments as well:
ALL LIVES MATTER but not to devilscum. If black lives matter then let us pray that blacks stop killing raping & destroying their own. Soulless pathetic punks. Here's the gentle giant of Ferguson in action. The world is clealy better off without such vicious devils.
The problem of course is that the man in the video is NOT Michael Brown. Which Snopes made clear back in December of 2014.
Several of Nugent's own visitors also pointed out that it was not Michale Brown as well:
Eric Burchfield That's not Mike Brown.
Steven Krueger Ted, I love ya brother..but this is not Mike Brown Keep it real by keeping it true brother
To which Nugent responded as follows:
Ted Nugent doesnt have to be mikey. devilpunks are all the same
Many of Nugent's supporters also did not seem to care who it depicted, the fact was that black people were thugs and therefore their lives don't matter:
Kort Kelley Michael Brown got what he deserved!
Leah Benyo-Bell He was and is Fucking scum! One less asshole to worry about!!
Chip Morgan Michael Brown was a low life punk...not because he was black but because he was a low life punk....he got what he deserved.
Jonah Dosher Why can't we just hunt these animals? I feel worse for Cecil, and I don't think that was wrong. Lol
Yeah see to Nugent and his racist supporters it really doesn't matter that this is not Michael Brown.
What matters is that it shows a black man violently assaulting another man, ipso facto Micheal Brown deserved to die.
Ted Nugent posts video of black man striking another man, and claims it depicts slain teenager Michael Brown in attempt to smear his name and the Black Lives Matter movement.
5:32 PM
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