I actually stumbled across the fact that this petty feud was not over because Palin had a link to it on her Facebook page, with this additional blurb:
A mama grizzly warns Erick at RedState: "Don't take on a Palin kid; when family's had enough don't expect the kids to retreat either."
Look she's writing for herself again.
She then linked to Brancy's blog where Nancy French was going to town on Erick Erickson and RedState:
Don’t act dumb and put your hands up in the air now, Mr. Erickson. I called you out for the hypocrisy you have shown Mr. Trump, by suddenly acting like you are the standard bearer of decency toward women.
What, do you ask, is the “good deed” that Wolf is talking about? He helpfully linked to an article in which RedState denounced David Letterman making a joke about raping one of us underage Palin daughters. (Aha! So they admit that Letterman was talking about Bristol, and not Willow!)
Gee, that was a tough ethical call there, RedState.
To paraphrase The Princess Bride, when it comes to good deed, “You keep using that phrase,” RedState, “But I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I hate to admit it but I kind of agree with Nancy French/Bristol Palin/Sarah Palin here.
I know, frightening isn't it?
She is dead right that Erickson's statements about Trump's misogyny were hypocritical. And that was pointed out by various news outlets.
However what is also true is that Palin herself is guilty of similar hypocrisy, in that she has complained about sexualized comments directed at her while calling Lena Dunham a pedophile, attacking Miley Cyrus for using profanity (Glass house Palin.), and insinuated that Joe McGinniss moved next door to peer into Piper's bedroom while she was changing knowing full well that was false. (He received death threats over that.)
I will give Brancy credit for one observation in this post however, and that is this one:
The picture of my mom sitting on Santa’s lap, with her apparently perky boobs hanging out, is CLEARLY photo shopped. Anyone can point that out from a mile away.
Yes, because Bristol knows what her mother's breasts REALLY look like.
And of course so do we.
Yep, no perk there!
The Palins and their ghostwriter gleefully double down on their attack on RedState.
5:44 PM
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