Switzerland, federal republic in west central Europe. Switzerland is a small, landlocked country set amid mountainous terrain in the heart of the European continent. It is bordered on the west by France, on the north by Germany, on the east by Austria, and on the south by Italy. The tiny principality of Liechtenstein lies between Switzerland and Austria. Each of the four major bordering countries has had an influence on Swiss culture. The Swiss people are an ethnic mix consisting mainly of native German, French, and Italian speakers, and most towns have two or even three correct names in those languages. The country has an area of 41,285 sq km (15,940 sq mi). Its largest city is Zürich, and the capital is Bern.
Switzerland’s official name is Confoederatio Helvetica
(Latin for “Helvetic Confederation”), which is frequently translated in English
as Swiss Confederation. The Helvetii, an ancient Celtic people who
occupied what is now western Switzerland, were defeated by the Roman army of
Julius Caesar in the 1st century bc.
As a province of Rome, the region became known as Helvetia. The name Confoederatio
Helvetica, an ethnically and linguistically neutral term that recalls this
ancient history, is testimony to an enduring desire to forge unity among a
diverse population. The name Switzerland (French Suisse; German Schweiz;
Italian Svizzera), the nation’s widely recognized but unofficial
designation, is a variation on Schwyz, a territory that in 1291 became
the first member of the present-day confederation. The Swiss flag, a red square
with a centered white cross, is a variation on the traditional flag of the
Schwyz region.
Natural Regions
Switzerland is one of the most mountainous
countries of Europe. More than 70 percent of its area is covered by the Alps,
in the central and southern regions, and the Jura, in the northwest. The Swiss
Alps are part of the largest mountain system in Europe and are famous for their
jagged peaks and steep-sided valleys.
The Swiss Alps encompass several mountain ranges,
three of which are particularly noteworthy. The Pennine Alps, which form a part
of Switzerland’s southwestern border with Italy, have Switzerland’s highest
peak, the 4,634-m (15,203-ft) Dufourspitze, one of ten lofty summits of the
Monte Rosa mountain group. Nearby is the world-famous Matterhorn (Italian Monte
Cervino), a 4,478-m (14,692-ft) glacially sculpted mountain, and the
4,545-m (14,911-ft) Dom, the tallest mountain located entirely within
Switzerland. The Bernese Alps, which straddle the border between the cantons of
Bern and Valais, have many of Switzerland’s most famous peaks. These include
the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau, mountains that tower above the resort town of
Interlaken. The Rhaetian Alps, which form part of the eastern border with Italy,
contain Piz Bernina and neighboring peaks in the Saint Moritz area.
The Jura (Celtic for “forest”) are much lower
than the Alps and occupy a smaller area. They are generally rounded and
naturally wooded, with many cleared areas used as pastureland for dairying. The
highest peaks in the Swiss Jura are Chasseron and Chasseral, located some 50 km
(30 mi) apart, each rising to a height of 1,607 m (5,272 ft).
Between these two mountain systems lies the Swiss
Plateau, or Mittelland, a basin that stretches across much of central
Switzerland. It extends from Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) in the far southwest to
the Bodensee (Lake of Constance) in the far northeast. A region about 50 km (30
mi) wide with an average elevation of about 400 m (about 1,300 ft) above sea
level, the plateau consists of gently-to-moderately rolling terrain punctuated
by hills. Most of Switzerland’s large towns and about three-quarters of the
Swiss population are located in this region. The plateau contains many lakes
and rivers, as well as Switzerland’s most fertile soils.
Rivers and Lakes
Switzerland is a principal water source in central
Europe, and the nation’s rivers flow into four different seas. The Rhine, one
of Europe’s major rivers, rises in eastern Switzerland. The Rhine drains much
of northern Switzerland and flows to the North Sea. Its largest tributary is
the Aare, which drains most of the Swiss Plateau and the southern slopes of the
Jura. The Rhône, the other great European river originating in Switzerland,
flows west and south to the Mediterranean Sea. The Ticino river system in
southern Switzerland flows to the Po and into the Adriatic Sea. The Inn drains
eastern Switzerland and flows into the Danube, which empties into the Black
Switzerland’s mountain systems contain innumerable
picturesque valleys, most of which are traversed by streams and rivers.
Waterfalls frequently issue from the slopes above. Some waterfalls are
exceptionally high. The spectacular Staubbach Falls in the canton of Bern is
one of the world’s highest, with a drop of some 300 m (about 980 ft). Glaciers
feed many Swiss rivers. Among the best known is the Rhône Glacier, a vast
glittering cascade of ice at the headwaters of the Rhône River. The Bernese
Alps have the highest concentration of glaciers in the Alps.
Most rivers in Switzerland are not suited for
navigation. Their fall is too great and their currents too swift. Even the
Rhine is broken by dramatic falls near the northern city of Schaffhausen. It is
not suited for commercial navigation in Switzerland until Basel, just inside
the border with Germany.
Switzerland is famous for its many scenic lakes,
especially those of the Alpine region. Lakes have long been important for
transportation in Switzerland, and many towns are situated along lakeshores.
Several lakes are shared with other countries, including Lake Geneva,
Switzerland’s largest lake, on the western frontier with France, and Bodensee
(Lake of Constance), on the northeastern frontier with Germany and Austria. On
the southern frontier with Italy are Lake Lugano and Lake Maggiore, which lies
at 190 m (640 ft) above sea level, the country’s lowest point. Lakes entirely
within Switzerland include Lake of Neuchâtel, Lake of Lucerne (Vierwaldstätter
See), Lake of Zürich (Zürichsee), Brienzersee, and Thunersee.
Switzerland has a varied climate, due largely to
differences in elevation and exposure to sun and prevailing winds. On the
plateau and in the lower valleys of Switzerland a temperate climate prevails,
with a mean annual temperature of about 10°C (about 50°F). In the summer
months, temperatures in low-lying areas can rise above 27°C (80°F). Mountainous
areas are significantly cooler throughout the year, and temperatures decrease
about 2 Celsius degrees (about 3 Fahrenheit degrees) for every additional 300 m
(1,000 ft) of elevation. Large glaciers are found in the Alps, and permanent
snow covers the highest peaks. Winter temperatures are generally below freezing
throughout Switzerland, except for the north shore of Lake Geneva and the
shores of the Swiss-Italian lakes, which have a mild climate like that of
northern Italy. During January and February high-pressure conditions over the
Alps bring clear, cold weather that is ideal for winter sports.
Precipitation in Switzerland generally increases with
elevation. Precipitation on the Swiss Plateau and in the lower valleys is about
910 mm (about 36 in) annually; the higher regions typically receive more
precipitation. Most precipitation occurs during the winter in the form of snow,
when moisture-laden winds moving northward from the Mediterranean are forced to
rise over Switzerland’s Alpine ranges.
Locally important winds include the bise and foehn.
The bise is mainly a summer phenomenon in which a warm breeze moves up-valley
during the day, causing cloud formation over higher elevations. The wind
reverses direction about sundown and moves down the valley as a cool downdraft.
The foehn, which occurs during the winter months, is a dry and relatively warm airflow
that is drawn northward over the Alps. The foehn can quickly melt snow and ice,
increasing the risk of mudslides and avalanches.
Natural Resources
Waterpower is the chief natural resource of Switzerland.
The principal source of water is runoff from the considerable annual
precipitation that falls on the Alps. An important complement is melt water
from the country’s hundreds of glaciers. The Swiss have long harnessed the
energy of falling water for productive uses. Long ago, torrents turned
waterwheels that powered preindustrial mills and machinery. Today, the flow is
captured by hundreds of hydroelectric power facilities, which provide 54
percent of the country’s domestic electricity.
Mineral resources are not plentiful in Switzerland.
Granite, limestone, other building stones, and salt are the only abundant
mineral resources with commercial value. Small deposits of iron and manganese
ores also are found.
About 11 percent of Switzerland’s land is used
for agriculture, while another 30 percent is covered by forests. Steep terrain
is the principal obstacle to agricultural expansion. The mountainous landscape
is, however, central to the country’s famous tourism industry, one of
Switzerland’s most important revenue sources.
Plants and Animals
Switzerland’s varied climate supports a great diversity
of plants and animals. In the sunny and southerly canton of Ticino,
Mediterranean-style scrub vegetation and pines are common. Decorative palms
also dot communities along the shores of Lake Lugano and Lake Maggiore. In the
cooler, more northerly parts of the country, a mix of deciduous trees and
coniferous trees dominates. The most common deciduous trees include oak, beech,
maple, and chestnut. Coniferous trees include spruce, pine, and fir.
Elevation and exposure to sun have a powerful influence
on Switzerland’s plant life. A major characteristic of plant geography in
Switzerland is vertical zonation, a clustering of species at different
elevations according to their ability to tolerate warmer or colder
temperatures. The exact elevation at which one community of plants is replaced
by another varies significantly in different locations. Sunny south-facing
slopes, for example, are warmer and drier than shaded north-facing slopes. As a
result, different species may characterize opposing slopes of a single valley.
In general, deciduous forests dominate landscapes below
about 1,400 m (about 4,500 ft), while coniferous forests dominate from that elevation
to about 2,200 m (about 7,200 ft). Above this elevation begins the alp,
the meadow above the tree line. Various grasses and flowering plants are common
here, the latter including edelweiss, alpine aster, alpine pansy, and
gentianella. The realm of permanent snow and ice—the region above the
alp—typically begins at about 3,000 m (about 9,800 ft).
Chamois, marmot, and ibex inhabit the Alpine
regions, as do the golden eagle, bearded vulture, and Alpendohle—a
relative of the crow. The forests contain deer, fox, and many species of birds,
including varieties of woodpecker, pheasant, and jay. Species of wolf and lynx
are still found in some areas. Lakes and wetlands provide habitat for the
grebe, heron, plover, and numerous duck species. Trout are common in the
streams, and salmon are found in some rivers.
Environmental Issues
The environmental problems faced by Switzerland stem
largely from human impacts due to population growth, consumption of fossil
fuels, urbanization, and the steady rise of tourism. One of the most
significant threats to the environment is damage to forests from acid rain, a
form of air pollution. Acid rain is caused by the burning of fossil fuels,
which emit sulfate and nitrate particles into the atmosphere. These compounds,
which fall to the earth in the form of rain, snow, and fog, can prove fatal to
trees and other plant life. Trees in Switzerland play a critical role in
averting landslides and avalanches by preventing soil erosion and holding back
snow. In an effort to maintain healthy trees, Switzerland vigorously supports
regional, European, and global treaties aimed at reducing emissions that
contribute to acid rain. Domestically, Switzerland has sought to reduce
damaging emissions by enacting strict vehicle emission standards and by
limiting heavy truck traffic on the transalpine routes. To further protect
Swiss forests, a federal permit is required to cut trees.
The concern for plant protection extends beyond
trees to numerous other species, especially flowering plants. Years of
agriculture, livestock grazing, and other land-use practices have imperiled
many native plant species. To help prevent extinctions, dozens of plant
varieties are protected under federal law—they may not be picked, uprooted, or
transplanted. Many other species have more limited protections. The Swiss
National Park, located in Graubünden canton, was established mainly to protect
and preserve endangered plants. Founded in 1914, it is one of Europe’s first
national parks. Hundreds of nature reserves also exist in agricultural, urban,
and wilderness areas across Switzerland.
Water pollution is another major environmental
concern in Switzerland. Many of the nation’s rivers and lakes have been
degraded by agricultural fertilizers, urban sprawl, and pollutants from
automobiles and trucks. The expansion of alpine tourist resorts is of special
concern because such developments can degrade pristine headwaters. Safe
disposal of radioactive wastes from the nation’s nuclear power plants is also a
Major Swiss environmental laws are made at the level of
the federal government, although protected areas are usually managed by
individual cantons. Nongovernmental organizations, such as the Swiss League for
the Protection of Nature, play an important part in conservation, environmental
policymaking, and management of protected areas. Internationally, Switzerland
is bound by environmental agreements on air pollution, biodiversity, climate
change, endangered species, hazardous wastes, and the ozone layer. Regionally,
Switzerland participates with its neighbors in agreements to protect the
delicate environments of the Alps.
Over the course of human history many different
groups have left their mark on Switzerland, including ancient Etruscans, Celts,
Romans, and Germanic peoples. Today, most Swiss can trace their ancestry to
Alpine, Nordic, and southern European peoples. The ethnic composition of
Switzerland is generally defined by the country’s major language communities:
German, French, Italian, and Romansch (Rhaeto-Romanic). Other ethnicities,
including Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish, make up about 6 percent of the
Population Characteristics
The population of Switzerland (2008 estimate) is
7,581,520, with an overall population density of 191 persons per sq km (494 per
sq mi). The population is unevenly distributed, with nearly 90 percent living
on the Swiss Plateau. Some 68 percent of the population is classified as urban,
but most people live in small towns. Swiss citizens account for about
three-quarters of the total population. The remaining people are citizens of
other countries, mainly Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France. The vast majority
of noncitizens are guest workers and their families.
Switzerland, like many industrialized countries, is
experiencing a declining birth rate and an overall slowing of the rate of
population growth. The estimated growth rate in 2008 was only 0.33 percent.
Current projections suggest Switzerland’s population will begin declining in
the first decades of the 21st century. The Swiss people, with an average life
expectancy of 80.7 years, are among the world’s longest lived. The country’s
infant mortality rate (the number of infants per 1,000 who die before the age
of 1) is 4, one of the world’s lowest.
Political Divisions
Switzerland is a confederation of 26 states, called
cantons. There are 20 full cantons and six half-cantons; the half-cantons were
formed when three full cantons were subdivided. The cantons and half-cantons
are as follows: Aargau; Appenzell (consisting of the half-cantons
Appenzell-Ausserrhoden and Appenzell-Innerrhoden); Basel (consisting of the
half-cantons Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt); Bern; Fribourg; Geneva
(Genève); Glarus; Graubünden (Grisons); Jura; Lucerne (Luzern); Neuchâtel;
Sankt Gallen; Schaffhausen; Schwyz; Solothurn (Soleure); Thurgau; Ticino;
Unterwalden (consisting of the half-cantons Nidwalden and Obwalden); Uri;
Valais; Vaud; Zug; and Zürich. The cantons and half-cantons are subdivided into
communes (German gemeinde), which are roughly equivalent to counties and
number about 3,000.
Principal Cities
The capital of Switzerland is Bern, which has a
population (2005 estimate) of 122,178. Zürich (347,517) is a financial center
and Switzerland’s largest city. Basel (163,930) is a commercial center noted
for textile and clothing manufacturing. Geneva (178,722) is a cultural,
financial, and manufacturing center that is also home to the headquarters of
several hundred international organizations, including the Red Cross and the
World Health Organization. Lausanne (117,388) is a transportation center and
the permanent home of the International Olympic Committee, which administers
the Olympic Games.
Roman Catholicism is the faith of about 44 percent
of the population of Switzerland, and about 41 percent of the people are
Protestant. Muslims, Orthodox Christians, and people of the Jewish faith make
up a small percentage of the population, while those with no religion number
about 7 percent. Freedom of worship is guaranteed by the Swiss constitution. A
national referendum in 1973 repealed articles of the constitution, dating to
1848, that prevented members of the Jesuit order (a religious order of the
Roman Catholic Church) and affiliated societies from settling in Switzerland.
Several important developments of the 16th-century
Protestant Reformation occurred in Switzerland. The pastor Huldreich Zwingli
instituted sweeping reforms in Zürich as a Swiss Reformation leader. Later,
French theologian John Calvin took residence in Geneva where his religious
doctrines and reforms in civil administration and education achieved lasting
The official languages of Switzerland are German (spoken
by 64 percent of the population), French (19 percent), and Italian (8 percent).
The fourth national language, Romansch, is spoken by less than 1 percent of the
people. Other languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese, and Turkish, are
spoken by the remaining population.
Most Swiss are multilingual. In a majority of the
cantons the most commonly spoken language is Schweizerdeutsch (Swiss
German), an Alamannic dialect of German differing vastly from other German
dialects. Newspapers and magazines are written in standard German, however, and
German is the language of many theater, motion picture, and television
productions. French is the most commonly spoken language in the cantons of
Fribourg, Jura, Vaud, Valais, Neuchâtel, and Geneva, and Italian is the
predominant language in Ticino. Romansch, a Romance language, is spoken chiefly
in the canton of Graubünden.
Switzerland has a long history as a center of
education, and its modern educational system is among the best in the world.
Literacy is nearly 100 percent. The pedagogic tradition in Switzerland,
particularly religious education, was inspired in part by John Calvin, who
settled in Switzerland in 1536. The 18th-century Geneva-born philosopher Jean
Jacques Rousseau promoted an influential view of education that emphasized the
importance of individual self-expression. The theories of Johann Pestalozzi,
the 18th-century Swiss educational reformer who advocated that children should
learn from their own experiences, have contributed to the development of
educational practices around the world. In recent times, the Swiss psychologist
Jean Piaget became widely recognized for his insights into the learning
abilities and habits of children.
Responsibility for primary and secondary education lies
with the cantons and half-cantons. Public primary schools are free, and
education is compulsory for children from age 6 or 7 until age 15 or 16,
depending on the canton. Schools are taught in the local official language. To
promote national unity, primary school students are required to study a second
national language.
The cantons and half-cantons also administer
gymnasiums (college-preparatory schools), teacher-training institutes, and
various institutions of higher learning and special schools. Switzerland’s
vocational schools have a reputation for providing quality technical training
for the job market. Enrollment in vocational schools has waned in recent
decades as the economy has shifted away from manufacturing and toward services.
At the same time, university enrollment has increased appreciably—more than 50
percent since 1980.
Most universities in Switzerland are under cantonal
control. They include the universities at Basel (founded in 1460), Lausanne
(1537), Geneva (1559), Zürich (1833), Fribourg (1889), and Neuchâtel (1909).
The only institutions of higher education administered by the federal
government are the Federal Institutes of Technology at Zürich and Lausanne. The
academic excellence of Swiss universities is well known and draws students from
around the world.
Switzerland has a rich and diverse cultural
heritage. The German, French, Italian, and Rhaeto-Roman cultures embodied in
the Swiss linguistic regions have all profoundly influenced the broader Swiss culture,
even as they have retained their own distinctive forms of expression. Foreign
influences have shaped Switzerland since early times. By the Middle Ages the
country had achieved a high level of cultural development. Carolingian culture,
especially painting and Romanesque architecture, flourished, and the Sankt
Gallen (Saint-Gall) monastery emerged as a brilliant educational center. Since
that time the Swiss have assimilated most important European cultural trends,
including humanism and the Reformation. For centuries Switzerland’s tradition
of neutrality enriched Swiss culture by attracting a wide variety of creative
people to the country during times of turmoil and war.
Swiss contributions to science and philosophy over the
centuries are numerous. The influential 16th-century Swiss physician Philippus
Paracelsus, who combined the study of chemistry and medicine, is sometimes
considered the first modern scientist. Nicholas of Fluë, a 15th-century
theologian, achieved wide recognition and was canonized in 1947. Mathematician
Leonhard Euler made many important discoveries in the 18th century, as did
Nobel Prize-winning chemist Alfred Werner in the 19th century. Philosopher
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was one of the major writers of the Age of Enlightenment,
and educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi laid the groundwork for modern
elementary education in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Huldreich
Zwingli and John Calvin, leaders of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation,
are claimed by the Swiss, as are the eminent 20th-century psychological
theorists Jean Piaget and Carl Gustav Jung. Jakob Burckhardt, a Swiss historian
of art and culture, wrote the acclaimed Die Kultur der Renaissance in
Italien (1860; Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, 1878).
Though small in size, Switzerland has a great
literary tradition. Swiss literature encompasses Latin-Swiss literature and
German-Swiss and French-Swiss literatures, which are closely linked to the
literatures of the neighboring countries. Latin-Swiss literature was important
chiefly during the Middle Ages in religious and humanistic works. Historically
less significant are the Italian-Swiss, Romansch, and Swiss-dialect
The most influential Swiss literature is in German,
beginning with the poetry of the minnesingers of the Middle Ages and including
the popular ballads and chronicles dating from the 14th to the 18th centuries.
Celebrated 19th-century German-Swiss authors include Gottfried Keller, Conrad
Ferdinand Meyer, Jeremias Gotthelf (pseudonym of Albert Bitzius), and
20th-century Nobel Prize winners Carl Spitteler (1919) and Hermann Hesse
(1946). The works of 20th-century dramatists Max Frisch and Friedrich
Dürrenmatt are widely known and produced. Johanna Spyri wrote the children’s
classic Heidi (1880; translated 1884). Among the best-known French-Swiss
authors are Germaine de Staël, whose novel Corinne, ou l'Italie (Corinna,
or Italy, 1807) had a deep influence on fiction of the era, and
20th-century novelist Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. Among Romansch writers, Peider
Lansel gained a reputation as an outstanding poet in the early 20th century.
Much of Switzerland’s historic architecture has survived
into the modern era, having been spared the ravages of two 20th-century world
wars. Roman occupation of Switzerland in the 1st century bc gave rise to numerous colonies, and
many Roman ruins and monuments are well preserved. Noteworthy examples of
surviving Romanesque architecture can be found in the towns of Avenches,
Martigny, and Windisch, and in numerous cathedrals and castles across the
countryside. Later architectural styles, including Gothic, baroque, and
Renaissance, found rich expression in Switzerland, and these styles are still
visible in urban areas, especially Bern. In addition, no fewer than 20 styles
of regional folk architecture have been identified. Switzerland is also known
for its many covered bridges, which date from as far back as the 14th century.
The most influential modern Swiss architect is Le
Corbusier, a pseudonym for Charles Édouard Jeanneret. A major force in modern
architecture, Le Corbusier helped develop the International Style that
dominated architecture in the early 20th century. Swiss engineer Robert
Maillart won acclaim for his innovative bridge designs during the first half of
the 20th century.
Visual Arts
A number of Swiss painters and sculptors have
achieved international recognition over the centuries. Chief among them are painters
Konrad Witz, Henry Fuseli, Arnold Böcklin, and Ferdinand Hodler. Perhaps the
best-known Swiss painter is Paul Klee, considered one of the original masters
of modern art. Sculptor Alberto Giacometti won renown for his highly
distinctive elongated figures, while fellow Swiss sculptor Jean Tinguely
achieved recognition for his elaborate mechanical sculptures and junk art.
Noteworthy contemporary artists include sculptors Roman
Signer and Thomas Hirschhorn, and mixed-media artists Pipilotti Rist and Sylvie
Fleury. Virtually every city of consequence in Switzerland has one or more art
museums. Switzerland also has a small film industry, which is subsidized by the
federal government. The annual Locarno International Film Festival, which
highlights the work of young filmmakers, is widely renowned.
Performing Arts
Although Switzerland is best known for its rich
tradition of folk music, Swiss composers have made notable contributions to
European classical music since the Renaissance compositions of Ludwig Senfl and
Heinrich Loris (called Henricus Glareanus). Influential Swiss composers in the
20th century include Arthur Honegger, Ernest Bloch, Othmar Schoeck, Frank Martin,
Ernst Levy, and Conrad Beck. Swiss conductor Ernest Ansermet gained worldwide
fame as conductor of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, based in Geneva.
Traditional Swiss folk music encompasses a wide range of
instruments, including the alphorn, a long wooden instrument historically used
by alpine herders to communicate. The yodel, a singing style characterized by
rapid shifts to falsetto and back, offered another means of communication among
isolated herders.
Music remains an important part of contemporary
Swiss culture. Zürich, Geneva, and Lausanne each have their own opera houses as
well as resident companies that offer a regular schedule of performances during
the year. Lucerne hosts an annual international music festival, and numerous
events devoted to folk, pop, country, and jazz are held throughout Switzerland.
The Montreux Jazz Festival is especially well known.
Swiss drama has a long history, and the
theater has enjoyed tremendous growth as a popular art form since the late 19th
century. Today, leading centers of drama include the Stadttheater Basel,
Stadttheater Bern, Grand Théâtre de Genève, Théâtre de la Comédie in Geneva,
and Théâtre Municipal de Lausanne. In addition to these large, state-subsidized
venues, numerous small independent theaters are found throughout the country,
giving aspiring dramatists the opportunity to have their plays produced. Even
in Romansch-speaking Switzerland, for example, amateur groups perform Romansch
plays and translated works. Professional ballet companies are present in Basel,
Geneva, Lausanne, and Zürich.
Libraries and Museums
Switzerland has many federal, cantonal, and
municipal public libraries. These are complemented by collections maintained by
universities, private organizations, and religious institutions. The library of
Basel University, with several million volumes, is among the largest in
Switzerland. The Swiss National Library, in Bern, and the libraries of the
United Nations (UN) and of the International Labor Organization (ILO), both in
Geneva, are among the most important specialized libraries. The Abbey Library
in Sankt Gallen contains thousands of old and rare works that date from the 8th
The National Museum, in Zürich, houses the most
important of several large historical collections in Switzerland. Fine arts
museums in Basel, Bern, and Zürich contain collections of 15th- and
16th-century German, 17th- and 18th-century Dutch and Flemish, 19th-century
French impressionist, and contemporary European works. The Museum of Art and
History and the Museum of Natural History, both in Geneva, are perhaps the best
of their types in the country. Noteworthy specialty museums include the
International Museum of Horology, devoted to clocks and timepieces, in La
Chaux-de-Fonds; the Swiss Transportation Museum, the country’s most visited
museum, in Lucerne; and the Swiss Open Air Museum at Ballenberg, which
preserves houses and farm buildings that epitomize the country’s rich rural
Switzerland has a highly developed industrialized
economy and one of the highest standards of living in the world. Gross domestic
product (GDP) in 2006 totaled $380.4 billion. Services constitute the dominant
sector of the Swiss economy, with banking, insurance, tourism, government
administration, and other services accounting for 73 percent of all employment.
Industry, primarily manufacturing and construction, employs 23 percent.
Switzerland’s domestic market is small, and most Swiss manufacturing is geared
to the production of high-quality goods for export. Key exports include
machinery and electronics; chemicals and pharmaceuticals; and watches, musical
instruments, and jewelry. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing employ 4 percent
of Swiss workers.
In 2006 the Swiss labor force was made up of
4.2 million people. Switzerland’s excellent educational system produces large numbers
of young people with academic, technical, and vocational training for the job
market. Progressive employment legislation ensures that workers are well paid
and well cared for. By federal law, men and women who perform the same work
must receive the same pay. Imbued with a strong work ethic, the Swiss are among
the world leaders in number of hours worked per year and in the least amount of
time lost to labor strikes and other disruptions. Foreigners comprise about
one-quarter of the labor force. The leading labor group is the Swiss Federation
of Trade Unions.
Because cultivation is difficult on the steep slopes
that characterize so much of Switzerland, a majority of the country’s arable
land is devoted to pasture for grazing animals. The dairy cow was domesticated
in Switzerland in prehistoric times, and dairying has long dominated the
agricultural sector of the Swiss economy. Today, dairy products account for
about 35 percent of the value of all Swiss agricultural activity; livestock
accounts for another 28 percent. Cheese and milk chocolate—two quintessential
Swiss products—are derived from the dairy industry. Dozens of varieties of
cheese are produced and exported, including the world-famous Swiss cheese, also
known as Emmentaler because it is produced in the valley of the Emme
River. Almost equally famous is Gruyère, produced in and around the town
of the same name. Milk chocolates are made in considerable quantity. Nestlé
S.A., Switzerland’s largest single employer, and Lindt, are major manufacturers
of chocolate products. Dozens of other Swiss chocolate manufacturers are known
regionally and internationally.
Dairying has given rise to some of Switzerland’s
most enduring practices and symbols. Among the most important is the transhumance,
the seasonal movement of livestock between lowland pastures and alpine meadows.
The cycle begins in spring with the alpaufzug, in which herders and
their animals move up into alpine meadows as the snow retreats. During this
time of year, cows are fitted with bells of different size and pitch so they
can be found more easily in severe weather; the bells produce a pleasant
clanging across the alps. In the fall, before the snow returns, herders and
their animals return to lower elevations in a movement called the alpabfahrt.
Both the ascent and descent are cause for local celebration and are marked by
the donning of traditional costume.
Cultivation of grapes for wine began in Switzerland during
Roman times. Today, the production of grapes, and other fruits, accounts for
about 11 percent of the value of the country’s agricultural output. Warm,
south-facing slopes are favored for grape cultivation. The land that rises
above Lake Geneva between Lausanne and Montreux (locally called Corniche de
Lavaux) is an important center of grape production and is especially
Employment in the agricultural sector has dropped
significantly in recent decades, declining 25 percent between the years 1985
and 1995. At the same time, the value of Switzerland’s agricultural production
has risen. The employment loss is principally a result of the mechanization of
agriculture and land consolidation, as many small, family-owned farms are
replaced by larger agribusinesses.
Forestry and Fishing
About 30 percent of Switzerland is forested.
For centuries timber was one of Switzerland’s most important sources of raw
material and fuel. Today, Swiss forests are carefully managed to prevent any
net loss of woodlands, which are vital to preserving Switzerland’s water
quality, wildlife, and scenic beauty, as well as to help protect against
landslides and avalanches. Reforestation of cleared areas is required under
Swiss law. Most timber is harvested in small, selective cuttings. Production of
timber in Switzerland was 5.7 million cu m (201 million cu ft) in 2006.
Fishing is a minor industry in Switzerland,
with catches of fish such as salmon and trout totaling about 2,689 metric tons
in 2005. Most fishing takes place on Lakes Geneva and Neuchâtel and Bodensee
and their tributary rivers.
The Swiss mining industry is not of major
importance. Mineral production mainly involves rock salt and cement.
Although raw materials are scarce in Switzerland, the
country has a well-developed manufacturing sector. Switzerland’s skilled
workers convert imported raw materials into high-value exports.
Historically, manufacturing in Switzerland stems from the
country’s abundant sources of waterpower. For centuries the physical energy of
falling water turned water wheels that powered mills and machinery of all
sorts, especially those involved in textile manufacturing. Textiles, in turn,
created demand for dyes, which stimulated development of a chemical industry.
The country’s engineering, machinery, electrical, and metal industries also can
trace their origins in part to the age of water wheels. Because potential
waterpower exists throughout the country, Switzerland never developed a
manufacturing belt or industrial heartland. Instead, industrial production is
geographically dispersed.
Today, heavy engineering and machine building,
especially the manufacture of top-quality custom-built equipment, accounts for
a significant portion of Swiss exports. Switzerland is the largest producer of
textile machinery in the world, and one of the world’s top manufacturers of
weighing and printing machines. Switzerland remains a world leader in the
production of dyestuffs, and the Swiss pharmaceutical industry ranks among the
top producers of specialized drugs.
Also important to the economy are smaller products
of precision engineering, especially watches, chronometers, and clocks—an
industry that dates to the 16th century in Switzerland. Most important
developments in watchmaking since that time have come from Switzerland, whose
manufacturers have earned world renown for their expertise, workmanship, and
inventiveness. Switzerland has been the world’s dominant producer of watches
and chronometers since the 19th century. The contemporary Swiss watch industry
is concentrated in cities and towns throughout the Jura region. Hundreds of
Swiss firms annually produce some 1.5 billion watches, movements, basic parts,
and other watchmaking products—95 percent of which are exported. Famous for its
exquisitely engineered luxury timepieces, Switzerland is also known for making
the world’s bestselling plastic watch, the Swatch.
Not all products manufactured for export have their
origins in modern factories and workshops. Switzerland also has a long
tradition of producing high-quality handicrafts. Most important among these are
music boxes, embroideries, laces, and carved wooden objects.
Currency and Banking
The unit of currency is the Swiss franc,
divided into 100 centimes (1.30 francs equal U.S.$1; 2006 average). The
semiprivate Swiss National Bank, the nation’s central bank, is the bank of
issue. Shares in the bank are held by the cantons, other banks, and the public.
Switzerland is a major international financial
center, and private banking is one of the country’s principal employers and
sources of income. Leading commercial banks are the Union Bank of Switzerland
(UBS AG) and the Credit Suisse (Swiss Credit Bank). The Zürich Stock Exchange
is one of the most important in Europe, and the city is also a major trade
center for gold.
International depositors and financiers have long favored
Swiss banks because of Switzerland’s political and monetary stability, experience
in financial matters, and banking secrecy laws. The Swiss banking industry rose
to international prominence after World War I (1914-1918), when inflation
eroded the currencies of many war-damaged European countries. A neutral nation,
Switzerland emerged from the war with a strong economy and stable currency.
Foreign money deposited in Swiss banks, and accounted for in Swiss francs,
stood little chance of being lost to inflation. The advent of the banking
secrecy laws largely coincided with the rise of German dictator Adolf Hitler in
the years preceding World War II (1939-1945). Fearful of Hitler’s intentions,
many Europeans—especially Jewish people—began transferring personal and
commercial assets to Swiss banks. Hitler, angered that assets in Germany had
been sent abroad, dispatched agents to Switzerland to investigate. In response,
Swiss authorities enacted secrecy laws shielding the accounts from scrutiny.
In recent decades Switzerland’s banking secrecy
laws have drawn criticism. A frequent complaint is that such secrecy has helped
criminals to hide their ill-gotten gains. In the mid-1990s, in response to
domestic and international pressure, Switzerland agreed to relax banking
secrecy laws when accounts are the subject of criminal investigations. During
the same period, a growing controversy emerged over funds in unclaimed accounts
of victims of the Nazi Holocaust. In 1995 the Swiss Banking Association (SBA),
under pressure from leading Jewish organizations, consented to search its
vaults for such accounts. A survey of the largest Swiss banks revealed $34
million in dormant accounts opened before 1945. Jewish groups disputed the
findings, claiming the search should have turned up billions of dollars in lost
assets. Subsequent investigations confirmed the existence of thousands of
additional accounts. In 1998 Swiss banks agreed to a global settlement of all
claims and suits against them. This led to the creation of a $1.25 billion fund
to compensate Holocaust victims and their descendants. Not everyone considers
the matter closed, however, and investigations and legal maneuverings continue.
Foreign Trade
Switzerland is highly dependent on foreign trade, both
for imports and exports. Swiss trade policy is marked by a strong preference
for free trade, low import duties, and few import quotas, apart from limited
quotas applied to some agricultural goods. The vast majority of Switzerland’s
foreign trade is with its industrialized neighbors in western Europe, in
addition to the United States, Japan, and China. In 2000 Switzerland’s chief
trading partners for exports were, in order of importance, Germany, the United
States, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, and China. Leading partners
for imports were Germany, France, Italy, the United States, and the United
Switzerland generally earns less from exports than it spends
on imports. Despite this deficit in foreign trade, Switzerland maintains a
positive balance of international payments because of the large income it
receives from other sources, mainly payments for services. These include
international banking, insurance, and tourism.
The tourism industry is a leading source of foreign
exchange and employment in Switzerland. Tourism has been important in
Switzerland since the Enlightenment, when writers, artists, and scientists
found inspiration in the majestic pinnacles of the Alps. Picturesque lakeside
towns, including Interlaken, Lausanne, Lucerne, Montreux, and Vevey, were the
initial centers of the Swiss tourism industry. In the 19th century, during the
early era of mountain climbing, foreign adventurers flocked to high-altitude
towns, such as Zermatt.
Swiss tourism experienced its most significant expansion
in the decades after World War II. Of major importance was the advent of
downhill skiing as a popular winter sport, made possible by the development of
the ski lift and cable car. Dozens of resorts have since blossomed throughout
the Swiss Alps, making Switzerland the skiing capital of the world. Switzerland
receives tens of millions of visitors annually.
Switzerland’s extensive waterpower resources account for
about 54 percent of the country’s domestic electricity, or about 16 percent of
its total energy needs. More than half of Switzerland’s total energy needs are
met by oil and natural gas, virtually all of which is imported. During the 1970s
Switzerland turned increasingly to nuclear power to meet the rising demand for
energy, and today nuclear power plants generate about 41 percent of all
electricity generated in Switzerland. Output from all sources in 2003 was 63.4
billion kilowatt-hours.
Switzerland has a highly developed transportation
system, with a dense road network and comfortable, efficient trains. Hundreds
of finely engineered tunnels and bridges cross the country’s rugged terrain.
Especially important are the transalpine tunnels that permit year-round travel
through the Alps, which were historically a formidable barrier to movement
between northern and southern Europe. These include the Saint Gotthard and
Lotschberg train tunnels, and the 16.3-km (10.1-mi) Saint Gotthard Road Tunnel,
the world’s longest automobile tunnel and the main artery of European
transalpine traffic. An immense volume of traffic traverses these routes,
causing substantial air and noise pollution and leading to plans to widen
existing tunnels and construct new ones. The largest of these projects is the
57-km (35-mi) Saint Gotthard Base Tunnel, a railway tunnel scheduled to open in
2014. In 1994 Swiss voters approved a controversial referendum to protect
alpine areas from the negative effects of heavy traffic. The measure authorized
the Swiss government to restrict traffic over transalpine roads and to shift
most transalpine freight from trucks to railroad cars.
Swiss Federal Railways, owned by the federal government,
operates a majority of Switzerland’s more than 5,000 km (3,000 mi) of railroad
track, nearly all of which is electrified. Switzerland also has a large number
of private railroads, many of which are partially owned by local governments. Few
locations in Switzerland are far from a train station. To conquer Switzerland’s
great heights, the railroads make ample use of switchbacks and loops. More
important for high-altitude access, however, is the cog locomotive, which has a
special gearlike wheel with teeth that engage a separate toothed rail. This
permits steady ascent and controlled descent on steep grades. Swiss cog
locomotives offer some of the world’s most spectacular train rides, including
the Glacier Express, which runs between Zermatt and Saint Moritz, and the
Bernese Oberland railway, which climbs from Interlaken to the Jungfraujoch,
Europe’s highest train station at 3,454 m (11,332 ft). The punctuality of train
service is a national hallmark.
Switzerland’s highway system is equally first-rate. Roads
totaled 71,214 km (44,250 mi mi) in 2004. The rate of automobile ownership in
Switzerland is high and growing; in 2000 there was one automobile for every two
people. Increasing vehicular use is straining the road system, and most major roads
and highways are heavily congested, especially during the summer and winter
tourist seasons. Buses also are an important part of public transportation in
Switzerland, especially the famous, brightly painted post buses operated by
Swiss Post. The schedules of post buses are timed to coincide with the
departure of trains, which serve nearly every village and town.
Waterways constitute another part of Switzerland’s
transportation network. The Rhine is the largest navigable river in the
country, but it is suited for commercial navigation only along the 19-km
(12-mi) stretch between Basel and Rheinfelden. A canal linking the Rhine and
Rhône is important for industrial shipping. Switzerland’s many lakes are used
for transportation and recreation; pleasure cruises are especially popular.
Although Switzerland is landlocked, the Swiss merchant marine, created by
decree of the federal government in 1941, consists of 32 large oceangoing
vessels and numerous river barges, which operate from foreign ports and from the
port of Basel on the Rhine River.
International air transport is provided by Swiss
International Air Lines, which is owned jointly by public and private
investors. Switzerland’s international airports are in Zürich, Geneva, and
The Swiss government plays a major role in the
provision of postal and telecommunications services throughout Switzerland. In
the late 1990s, in response to deregulation in international markets,
Switzerland instituted reforms to make postal and telecommunications services
more flexible and market-oriented. The Swiss Postal and Telecommunications
agency was divided into two separate units. Swiss Post, which remains a
federally owned institution, handles mail. Telecom PTT, which was partially
privatized, oversees telecommunications services and maintains networks for
sound and data transmission. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation provides radio
and television programs in German, French, and Italian, and Swiss Radio
International transmits radio programs to foreign countries. In 1997 there were
979 radios and 542 television receivers in use per 1,000 people. Switzerland
has 96 daily newspapers; dailies with international reputations include Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, published in Zürich, and Journal de Genève,
published in Geneva.
Switzerland is a federal republic governed under a
constitution adopted in 1874 and amended many times since. The Swiss political
system combines direct and indirect democracy with the principle of federalism,
in which subnational units of government are granted wide powers. Sovereign
power rests with the people, who elect representatives and also legislate
directly by means of referendums. In federal elections, all citizens aged 18 or
older are eligible to vote.
Under Switzerland’s system of federalism, the cantons
and half-cantons exercise all the powers of government, except those delegated
exclusively to the federal government. These include the power to declare war
and make peace, to conclude treaties and alliances, to train, equip, and direct
the armed forces, and to regulate foreign trade. Both the federal government
and the subnational units (cantons and communes) have the power to levy taxes.
The federal government also regulates roads, railroads, and communications;
hydroelectric power; higher education; and labor. The cantons have freedom in a
wide range of policy areas and a high degree of administrative autonomy.
The referendum is an important instrument of
direct democracy in Switzerland. A constitutional amendment may be initiated by
a petition of 100,000 voters and must be ratified by referendum. A petition of
50,000 voters or eight cantons can force a referendum on proposed laws.
Referendums have decided many significant issues in Switzerland. These include
creating the canton of Jura in 1979; rejecting restrictions on abortion and
some forms of contraception in 1985; tightening constraints on immigration and
political asylum in 1987; making racial discrimination, racist propaganda, and
denial of the German Nazi Holocaust illegal in 1994; and defeating a proposal
to abolish the military in 2001. In 2002 Swiss voters approved a referendum
supporting Swiss membership in the United Nations. Referendums have also been
central to extending rights to women. A referendum in 1971 granted women the
right to vote in federal elections (a right eventually extended in all the
cantons by 1990), and an equal rights amendment to the constitution was
approved by referendum in 1981. A 1985 referendum granted women legal equality
with men in marriage.
Executive power in Switzerland is vested in the Bundesrat,
or Federal Council. The Bundesrat is composed of seven members who are elected
to four-year terms by a joint session of the parliament. Bundesrat members are
elected from among members of the parliament and are responsible to that body.
All major political parties are represented on the council, and no two members
of the Bundesrat may come from the same canton. The Bundesrat enforces existing
laws and drafts new legislation, conducts foreign affairs, and authorizes the
mobilization of troops.
The legislature elects a president and a vice president
from among the council members to a single one-year term. The president
presides over meetings of the Bundesrat, but otherwise holds a largely symbolic
position. Each of the seven council members heads one of the federal
ministries. These are the ministries of economy, foreign affairs,
transportation and power, interior, finance, defense, and justice and police.
The Swiss parliament, called the Federal Assembly,
consists of two houses. The Ständerat, or Council of States, the upper
house, has 46 members (two for each full canton and one for each half-canton),
each elected for varying periods at the discretion of the canton. The Nationalrat,
or National Council, the lower house, has 200 members elected for four-year
terms under a system of proportional representation. Seats in the National
Council are allocated to cantons in proportion to population size, with each
canton receiving a minimum of one seat.
The Federal Tribunal, located in Lausanne, is the
highest court of appeal in the land. It has final jurisdiction in suits between
the cantonal and federal governments, corporations and individuals, and between
cantons. The court is composed of 30 judges who are appointed to six-year terms
by the Federal Assembly. It has original jurisdiction only in cases involving
offenses against the confederation, and—unlike the United States Supreme
Court—it may not review the constitutionality of federal laws. There are no
lower federal courts in Switzerland. Capital punishment was abolished for
civilians in 1942 and for wartime offenses in 1991.
Each canton has its own autonomous system of
justice, including civil and criminal courts and a court of appeals. Cantonal courts
are responsible for interpreting federal law as it pertains to local matters.
The cantonal judiciary is composed of two or three levels of courts, depending
on the size of the canton. A single national code for criminal, civil, and
commercial law was introduced in 1942.
Local Government
A concern for self-government is firmly established
in Switzerland, and units of local government are at the core of the country’s
system of decentralized democracy. All powers not delegated to the confederation
by the Swiss constitution are reserved to the cantons. Forms of cantonal
government vary, but most of the 26 cantons (there are 20 full cantons and six
half-cantons) have an elected legislative council and an executive council.
Several smaller cantons have preserved direct democracy in the form of a Landsgemeinde
(German for “village community”), a general assembly of voting citizens who
decide matters by a show of hands or voice vote.
Each canton is composed of communes, the smallest
units of local government. There are some 3,000 communes in Switzerland, many
of which comprise a town or city. Citizens elect their communal authorities,
who convene in local councils. Communes are largely autonomous in many
governmental matters. They have the authority to levy taxes; maintain local
roads, bridges, and public buildings; provide water and electricity; and
administer primary and secondary schools, police and fire services, and social
services. In addition, the communes—not the federal government—control the
granting of Swiss citizenship to foreigners. Adjacent communes may group into a
district, which is headed by a prefect who represents the cantonal government.
Political Parties
The Swiss have a multiparty system. In 1959 a
power-sharing arrangement known as the “magic formula” was drawn up to ensure
consensus politics among the country’s four leading parties. These parties were
the Swiss People’s Party, representing the far right of the political spectrum;
the Social Democratic Party, a left-of-center party advocating principles of
democratic socialism; the Radical Free Democratic Party, a centrist party
promoting a strong federal government and liberal democratic principles; and
the Christian Democratic People’s Party, a centrist party promoting cantonal
rights. The Swiss People’s Party, which promotes anti-foreigner policies, has
gained in popularity in recent years, becoming the largest party in the Swiss
parliament. The pro-environment Green Party also increased its share of seats.
Health and Welfare
The Federal Insurance Law of 1911 regulates accident and
sickness insurance. Accident insurance is compulsory for most officials and
workers. Compulsory insurance against illness does not exist at the federal
level in Switzerland, although cantons and communes may make it obligatory.
Unemployment insurance is compulsory for all wage earners. Old-age and
survivor’s insurance, which also includes disability benefits, has been
compulsory since 1948; it is financed by a payroll tax on both employers and
The Swiss military consists of an army and air
force that number about 220,000 in total. Service in the Swiss military is compulsory
for all males. Women are exempt but may volunteer for a variety of roles. A
typical male inductee is called to service at the age of 20, undergoes a few
months of basic training and a period of service, then returns to civilian
life. For the next 20 years or more, however, inductees are periodically
recalled by the military to take refresher courses designed to maintain and
update military skills. In the meantime an inductee may be asked to serve at
any time. Switzerland’s citizen-soldiers keep weapons and ammunition, uniforms,
and other equipment at home, and the country can fully mobilize for defensive
purposes within about 48 hours.
Given this overall structure, the Swiss military is
best described as a highly trained militia, rather than as a standing army.
Only about 1 percent of military personnel serve full time, typically as
members of the officer corps. In peacetime, the military has no hierarchical
leader. A general is selected by the parliament only when military mobilization
is required.
In pre-Roman times the territory now known as
Switzerland was inhabited by the Helvetii in the west and the Rhaetians, a
people believed to have been related to the Etruscans, in the east. In the 1st
century bc Julius Caesar and the Romans
conquered the region, which they named Helvetia, and it became thoroughly
Romanized. A series of Germanic invasions swept over the Western Roman Empire
in the 4th century ad, and two
Germanic groups—the Burgundians and the Alamanni—conquered Helvetia.
The Middle Ages
The Franks in turn conquered the Alamanni in
the 5th century ad and the
Burgundians in the early 6th century. The Franks introduced a new civilization based
largely on Christianity. On the dissolution of the Frankish Carolingian Empire
in the 9th century, most of Switzerland became part of the duchy of Alemannia,
or Swabia, one of the great feudal states of the German Kingdom; the
southwestern part was incorporated into the kingdom of Transjurane Bourgogne.
In 1033 Switzerland was united under the German-dominated Holy Roman Empire.
The Swiss area consisted of a collection of petty states, ruled by dukes,
counts, bishops, and abbots, and a number of small city-states, independent by
imperial charter, which later became cantonal commonwealths.
Struggle for Independence
In 1276 Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf I of the
Habsburg dynasty attempted to assert feudal rights in Switzerland, making his
power a threat to the traditional liberties of the Swiss. To resist Rudolf’s
aggression, representatives of the three so-called forest cantons—Uri, Schwyz,
and Unterwalden—gathered on August 1, 1291, in a meadow above the Lake of
Lucerne, and entered a league for mutual defense. This event is regarded as the
birth of Switzerland. Events preceding the conflict gave rise to the story of
William Tell, Switzerland’s most famous folk hero. According to legend, a
villainous governor named Gessler was sent by Habsburg authorities to govern
the canton of Uri. To proclaim his power, Gessler required passing locals to
salute his hat, which had been placed on a pole. When Tell refused, he was
arrested and ordered to shoot an arrow through an apple resting on his son’s
head. After doing so, Tell was arrested again, but later escaped and killed
Gessler—an event that is said to have prompted the Swiss uprising against the
The first test of strength for the
confederation came in 1315, when mountaineers (peasant foot soldiers) of
the forest cantons confronted the superior forces of the Habsburgs and their
allies. The Swiss fighters routed the Habsburg forces at Morgarten Pass in the
canton of Schwyz, effectively guaranteeing the independence of the young confederacy.
This victory encouraged other communities to join the confederation. The urban
cantons of Lucerne, Zürich, and Bern, and the rural cantons of Glarus and Zug,
made separate alliances with the three forest cantons between 1332 and 1353,
establishing a series of confederations. Though lacking a coherent structure,
these alliances were able to provide for the independence of every community.
In the 15th century the Swiss Confederation
was strong enough to undertake a vigorous program of expansion. The Swiss
captured Aargau in 1415, and from 1451 to 1466 the confederation won a series
of new allies: Sankt Gallen, in 1451; Appenzell, in 1452; Schaffhausen and
Stein am Rhein, in 1459; Rottweil, in 1463; and Mulhouse, in 1466. However,
these areas were not granted full rights. Swiss armies defeated the armies of
Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, in 1476, and of Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I in 1499. By the Treaty of Basel on September 22, 1499, Maximilian
was compelled to abandon his plans to reassert control in Switzerland and
recognize the unofficial independence of the Swiss. Soon afterward the
confederation expanded again and by 1513 included the cantons of Fribourg,
Solothurn, Basel, Schaffhausen, and Appenzell. This created a federal union of
13 cantons that continued unchanged until the French Revolution.
In the early 16th century, Swiss troops,
fighting with the French, were able to annex the Italian districts and towns
that later formed the canton of Ticino. Swiss fighters later sided with Italy
in a campaign to drive the French from the Po Valley. The campaign initially
succeeded, but French forces returned to the Po and in 1515 dealt the Swiss a
crushing defeat at Maringano in northern Italy. The defeat proved to the Swiss
that they could not hope to defeat their larger neighbors in battle. Soon
afterward, the Swiss renounced their expansionist aims, proclaimed a neutral
foreign policy, and turned to developing the country’s rich potential as a
crossroads of trade routes. Since then, Switzerland’s policy of neutrality has
been strictly observed.
Despite Switzerland’s withdrawal from international warfare,
Swiss mercenaries—known for their great courage and skill in war—became famous
throughout Europe. They continued to serve in other armies for centuries. The
tradition was largely abandoned in the 18th century when Swiss fighters
increasingly found themselves on opposing sides of European conflicts. The
Swiss Guard, the papal guard of the Vatican in Rome, is a vestige of that era.
The Protestant Reformation spread to Switzerland in
1518, when a Swiss pastor named Huldreich Zwingli began preaching in Zürich.
Zwingli denounced the sale of indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church, and the
city of Zürich, under Zwingli’s leadership, subsequently revolted against
church dogma. Zwingli’s followers burned relics, banned the adoration of
saints, and released clerics from their vows of celibacy. Vigorously backed by
the merchant class, such innovations further asserted the city’s independence
from the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire, which had yet to
officially recognize Swiss independence. Zwingli soon found adherents in other
Swiss towns, including Basel and Bern, but had difficulties in conservative
rural areas.
In 1536 the people of Geneva declared
themselves Protestant, refused to acknowledge the authority of their Roman
Catholic bishop, and proclaimed Geneva a republic. John Calvin, a French
theologian and Protestant reformer, was invited to Geneva to lead its citizens
in reforming the church. Calvin organized his church democratically,
incorporating ideas of representative government. From 1541 to 1564 Geneva
became the stronghold of the Calvinist brand of Protestantism.
Because Protestantism failed to take hold in Switzerland’s
Roman Catholic central cantons, a religious split was inevitable. A series of
short religious wars between the Protestant and Catholic cantons ensued,
resulting in a rough balance of power between the two religions. Largely
because of this equilibrium, the cantons remained outside the bitter religious
wars that engulfed Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 1648 Peace
of Westphalia Switzerland won official recognition as an independent state.
Internal Developments
Switzerland grew increasingly prosperous in the 17th and
18th centuries. The country’s neutrality proved economically beneficial during
the Thirty Years’ War and other conflicts, as Swiss merchants profited from
wartime trade. At the same time, Swiss industry greatly expanded, aided by an
influx of refugees. The textile industry, established centuries earlier, became
the county’s most important industrial enterprise. Factories spinning
significant quantities of cotton, linen, and silk were established. Watchmaking
also emerged as an important industry. Switzerland’s first guild of watchmakers
was established in Geneva in the early 17th century, and the industry soon
extended along the Jura mountain chain stretching from Geneva to Schaffhausen.
Despite the country’s growing wealth, political power in
Switzerland was controlled by a small oligarchy. The wealthy urbanized cantons
dominated the confederation, and a few powerful families dominated the
country’s government and social life. Only the rich enjoyed political
liberties. Peasant unrest, driven by the growing domination of the urban upper
class over rural areas, exploded into an unsuccessful peasant revolt in 1653.
French Revolution
The French Revolution had a profound effect on
Switzerland. Switzerland did not join the war against revolutionary France, and
at first France accepted Swiss neutrality. However, in 1798 French troops
invaded and occupied the country with the help of the Swiss revolutionaries, a
group seeking political reforms and a strong national government. The invasion
put an end to the ancient Swiss confederation of 13 cantons, a loose defensive
alliance with no central government. Napoleon Bonaparte, the future emperor of
France, unified Switzerland under the name Helvetic Republic and imposed
a written constitution. The constitution, modeled on that of the first French
Republic, gave Switzerland a bill of rights and a strong central government.
The new constitution, however, disregarded the nation’s
tradition of federalism, and it was bitterly resisted by many Swiss. The
struggle between the federalists, who opposed the new system, and the
centralists, who favored it, was briefly interrupted in 1803, when Napoleon
withdrew the occupation troops and granted a new constitution with Swiss
approval. This constitution, known as the Act of Mediation, restored many of
the old cantonal privileges and expanded the confederation from 13 to 19
cantons. The new cantons included Aargau, Sankt Gallen, Graubünden, Ticino,
Thurgau, and Vaud.
In 1815, after Napoleon’s downfall, the cantons
rejected the French-sponsored government. The full power of the cantons to
govern themselves was restored, and the cantons allied themselves together as
sovereign states. The Congress of Vienna, in 1815, recognized the perpetual
neutrality of Switzerland, and Swiss territory was expanded to include 22
cantons, with the addition of Valais, Geneva, and Neuchâtel. Since that time
the country’s boundaries have remained largely unchanged.
Civil War
The period following the reintegration of
Switzerland as a confederation of sovereign states was marked by internal
strife. Conflict existed between autocratic and democratic elements, with many
cantonal governments controlled by reactionary oligarchs. The cantons
maintained separate armies, legal systems, and currencies, and each conducted
its own foreign affairs. The Swiss increasingly viewed citizens of other
cantons as foreign nationals. At the same time, the religious conflict between
Roman Catholic and Protestant areas intensified.
Opposition to decentralization and the reactionary
cantonal governments increased in subsequent decades with the growth of liberal
sentiment. The Radical Party developed in the 1830s, with the aim of strengthening
the federal government. Support for cantonal sovereignty led seven Roman
Catholic cantons to form a defensive league, the Sonderbund, in 1847.
The federal government declared the league a violation of the constitution, and
civil war resulted when the league refused to disband. The federal army brought
the civil war to a rapid conclusion before any major European power could
The federal constitution of 1848 was a direct result of
the war, and it significantly expanded federal power. A balance was achieved
between advocates of strong central government and conservative forces who
demanded the preservation of cantonal authority. This compromise helped heal
the wounds of the war and established a basic constitutional framework that has
lasted to the present day. A permanent executive body was created, consisting
of a federal council of seven members elected by a bicameral legislature. The
federal government was given the authority to issue currency, regulate customs
duties, and, most importantly, to conduct foreign affairs. Bern was designated
as the federal capital. In 1874 the constitution was revised, completing the
development of Switzerland from a group of cantons to a unified federal state.
The constitution also gave Swiss citizens a greater voice in government by
introducing the initiative and the referendum.
Economic Development
The 19th century was a period of rapid
economic growth in Switzerland. Tourism emerged as an important source of
revenue, and the nation’s older economic sectors, including agriculture and
industry, began to modernize. Economic gains were especially great in the
textile industry, which adopted mechanized spinning machines. The production
and maintenance of these machines led to the development of Switzerland’s
famous machine-building industry.
During the last decades of the 19th century
industrial growth in Switzerland continued, aided by a national program of
railroad construction. The expanding rail network, which included the 1882
opening of the Saint Gotthard tunnel, facilitated transalpine travel and
increased the importance of Switzerland as a transportation center. With the
help of the chief natural resource, hydropower, imported raw materials were
transformed into high-quality products and shipped to the world. Switzerland
has maintained this export-oriented pattern of industrial development to the
present day.
Switzerland in the World Wars
Although Switzerland remained neutral in World War I
(1914-1918), it did not escape from the conflict unscathed. National unity was
threatened internally because the French Swiss overwhelmingly favored the cause
of France, and the German-speaking population sympathized with Germany. In
addition, the cost of keeping its army mobilized created a heavy economic
burden. Vitally needed raw materials were cut off, unemployment increased, and
food became scarce. A wave of unrest culminated in November 1918 with a general
strike that brought the country to a standstill. After the war, in 1919, Geneva
was chosen as the site for the headquarters of the League of Nations.
The outbreak of World War II (1939-1945) found the
Swiss people more united, since German National Socialism, or Nazism, had few
friends in the country. Strategically, however, Switzerland’s position was
precarious, as it was surrounded by totalitarian powers. Switzerland’s
established tradition of neutrality, its humanitarian activities, and its armed
readiness to defend itself against aggressors, all helped prevent the country
from becoming engulfed in the conflict.
Neutrality and International Relations
Because of its long history of neutrality,
Switzerland became the favored site of international conferences and the
headquarters of many organizations. During the mid-19th century the main office
of the International Red Cross was established in Geneva. Swiss neutrality was
strengthened after World War I when the League of Nations, also based in
Geneva, issued a 1920 declaration that recognized Switzerland’s permanent
neutrality and guaranteed its territorial integrity.
At the end of World War II the League of Nations
was disbanded and replaced by the United Nations (UN). Switzerland declined to
join the UN, convinced that remaining outside the organization would help
preserve its independent position as a neutral. The nation did, however,
acquire permanent observer status at the UN, becoming a member of many UN
agencies. In addition, Switzerland permitted the organization to establish its
European headquarters and several of its agencies—including the International
Labor Organization and the World Health Organization—on Swiss soil. In 1948
Switzerland became a member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), an international trade organization replaced in 1995 by the World Trade
Organization (WTO). WTO headquarters are in Geneva.
The far-reaching political, economic, and social changes
generated by greater European integration during the postwar years have forced
Switzerland to continually reevaluate the meaning of neutrality and its
position toward Europe. In 1948 Switzerland willingly joined the Organization
for European Economic Cooperation, but had misgivings about joining the
European Economic Community (EEC, later the European Community [EC], then, in
1993, the European Union [EU]). The organization’s avowed goals of closer
economic and political cooperation were unacceptable to Switzerland. However,
Switzerland was a founding member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
in 1960, and in 1963 the country joined the Council of Europe.
In 1992 Swiss voters soundly rejected a
government-backed proposal to join the European Economic Area (EEA), a
free-trade agreement that would draw Switzerland and the other EFTA members
into the EU’s single market. The agreement held that EFTA countries would be
bound by EU laws but would not be involved in the EU’s political integration.
The Swiss electorate’s rejection of the EEA was a significant blow to
Switzerland’s application, filed earlier that year, to join the EU. However, in
1993, after three previous rejections, voters approved a national value-added tax
consistent with the tax structure of other EU members.
In recent years, Switzerland has continued to test
the meaning of neutrality. While some Swiss have argued in favor of a strict
interpretation bordering on isolationism, others have supported a policy of
greater international engagement, citing the nation’s robust foreign trade and
the increasingly multinational character of Swiss businesses. Matters
culminated in March 2002 when, following a fiercely contested campaign, Swiss
voters approved a national referendum in favor of joining the UN. The
experiences of Finland and Sweden, which successfully maintained their own
policies of neutrality as UN members, appeared to have swayed many Swiss
Contemporary Domestic Issues
Switzerland faced a number of important challenges
as the country moved into the 21st century. One of the most contentious issues
is immigration, which has provided labor for Switzerland’s expanding economy
since World War II. During the 1970s, many Swiss became disturbed at the large
number of resident foreign workers in the country, and laws were adopted
limiting immigration. Today, economic growth and a declining domestic birth
rate increasingly pits those who favor expanding the number of foreign workers
in Switzerland against those who believe increased immigration poses a threat
to the country’s traditional character.
Maintaining Switzerland’s celebrated environmental quality in
the context of continued industrialization and economic growth poses another
set of challenges. Swiss efforts to curtail acid rain, which has damaged
one-third of Swiss forests, are opposed by domestic and international forces
that view restrictions on industry and transportation as economically harmful.
At the same time, the expansion of cities and tourist resorts increasingly
threatens the natural and cultural resources that attract international
Swiss neutrality, a traditional value, is likely to
be tested in the years ahead as the country builds closer economic ties with
the EU and formally joins the UN. So too is Switzerland’s long tradition of
compulsory military service, which some Swiss have portrayed as a costly relic
of the past. Critics of the army have met fierce resistance from soldiers and
former soldiers, who view military service as central to Switzerland’s
traditional values of preparedness and self-reliance. Whatever the eventual
outcome of these issues, it is virtually certain that the Swiss will approach
them with the same commitment to unity and democratic principles that has
characterized the nation for much of its history.