Courtesy of HuffPo:
In an interview at her West Hill church, Rev. Gretta Vosper said congregants support her view that how you live is more important than what you believe in.
"I don't believe in...the god called God," Vosper said. "Using the word gets in the way of sharing what I want to share."
Vosper, 57, who was ordained in 1993 and joined her east-end church in 1997, said the idea of an interventionist, supernatural being on which so much church doctrine is based belongs to an outdated world view.
What's important, she says, is that her views hearken to Christianity's beginnings, before the focus shifted from how one lived to doctrinal belief in God, Jesus and the Bible.
"Is the Bible really the word of God? Was Jesus a person?" she said.
"It's mythology. We build a faith tradition upon it which shifted to find belief more important than how we lived."
Oh I like her!
A church that rejects the idea of God, and ignores the Bible entirely, in favor of teaching people to utilize their critical thinking skills, love themselves as they are, and celebrate the differences in others.
I think that might actually be a church I would be willing to attend.
United Church of Canada minister, who no longer believes in God or the Bible, is fighting attempts to oust her. You can do that?
5:08 AM
1 minute read
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