Courtesy of HuffPo:
A 23-year-old Phoenix man is in critical condition after shooting himself in the head while trying to show that a handgun could not be fired while he had the safety mechanism engaged.
The Navajo County Sheriff's Office said Christen Reece fired his handgun Wednesday while shooting with six other people outside Overgaard in eastern Arizona.
Fortunately for this dimwit he was not killed, and instead will survive to undoubtedly do some thing just as stupid in the future.
Now see in my opinion there should be a law that as soon as some idiot shoots himself in the head and lives, THAT should be the last time he is allowed to purchase a firearm.
"I'm sorry Spanky. You shot your own damn self in your own damn head, so no more boom boom toys for you."
I just don't see that as being unreasonable.
P.S. more detail on the shooting here. And yes, alcohol was involved.
Arizona man tries to prove that gun will not fire by shooting himself in the head. Sounds unconvincing to me.
5:10 AM
1 minute read
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