MEMPHIS, Tenn. — WREG has just learned the 23-year-old who was arrested on Wednesday for sexually assaulting an elderly woman at a local church was just released the day before the attack.
WREG’s Katie Rufener discovered Palace Bells was released from the Corrections facility for good behavior on June 30.
He had originally been sentenced for assaulting a woman on May 18 and sentenced to 90 days.
By that time table, he should have still been in jail until August.
Bells was arrested on Wednesday after he allegedly attacked a woman in the Greater Imani Church parking lot during her morning workout routine.
23 Year Old Negro - Palace Bells - Had Just Got Released from Prison for Good Behavior but within 24 hours his Behavior went BAD - Palace Bells arrested for the beating and rape of an 81 year old woman
8:24 AM
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