Courtesy of Chela Wright's Facebook page:
Something I've noticed on social media is that those who continually mock and complain that "political correctness is rampant and ridiculous-- yada yada yada" are most always straight, white, Christian males. They're people who've never had to rely on others to speak up for them to protect and correct systemic injustices that society has leveled upon them. What they fail to understand is that there is a valid and profound reason that the term "political correctness" exists. The term was born out of a desperate need to aid and to render fairness and safety. So many straight, white, Christian men have a lot of fun throwing the words "political correctness" around as a pejorative, but to me and many others it only serves to identify them as a person who lacks empathy and kindness. Additionally, I'd bet my eye teeth that these men were often the big, mouthy bully on the playground at school who picked on the poor kid, the handicapped kid, the gay kid, the kid with glasses, the black kid and the kid with a single parent.
xo c
Yeah, what she said. (Except of course for the kisses and hugs at the end.)
Chela Wright is also a gay woman who supports LGBT rights so she certainly knows of which she speaks. And she really could not be more right on than she is here.
Damn, does this mean I have to start liking country western music again?
Country music stars says that white Christian men need to shut the hell up about political correctness.
7:24 AM
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