Ken Ham basking in the ignorance that his crappy beard covers his pock marked face. |
According to Dr. Scott the reason it hurts like the dickens when women make little people is because:
“One reason is that we have evolved to walk upright and the human pelvis has tried to accommodate that. Also the human brain has grown, which makes for proportionately bigger heads and a more difficult time getting through the birth canal.”
That by the way is exactly what I was taught in my college biology class as well. And it is supported by virtually everything that I have read since.
But clearly that is because I have been reading textbooks, and THAT, according to Ken Ham, is NOT where one finds the answer:
So bigger brains and upright walking—that’s why women supposedly have pain and difficulty in childbirth. And that answer is just totally wrong! In fact, anyone who can read the Bible can find out the true answer to that question.
Because Eve took the fruit (being deceived by the devil), we are told what God did:
To the woman He said: ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children’ (Genesis 3:16)
And God reminds us in Romans 8 that because of our sin in Adam,
For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. (Romans 8:22)
Evolved bigger brains are not the reason for why there is pain in childbirth—we could say it’s because of fallen brains!
So there you science loving smarty britches. Now you know the truth about painful childbirth according to the superstitious imaginings of an ancient people who believed that the sky was a body of water with the moon, stars, and sun trapped in it.
And that should be a lesson to you ladies that making men eat apples when they totally would never do that if you did not trick them with your feminine wiles, can lead to incredible pain and probably stretch marks as well.
So the next time you are screaming with pain because of a little parasite slithering out of your nether regions, remember that it is not because you are a highly evolved species at the top of the food chain, but rather because you are sinful will vixens that are wholly responsible for the fall of man.
Man Christian men have it made! Blaming all of societies ills on women and everything. I think I'm beginning to see the attraction.
(H/T to The Friendly Atheist.)