Courtesy of Mother Jones:
As you can see, it's dropped once again, from 11.9 percent last quarter to 11.4 percent this quarter. In case that seems a little bloodless, that means that over a million Americans are now insured who weren't last quarter. For the entire year, nearly 4 million people are newly insured. Since the peak just before Obamacare went into effect, 16 million Americans have gained health insurance. And if Republican-controlled states hadn't thrown a collective temper tantrum and refused to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the total number would be more like 20 million.
It is that last point that I think should be emphasized over and over again.
If it were not for the Republican attempts to derail, slow down, and undermine the Affordable Care Act several million more Americans would currently be living with access to healthcare coverage.
That alone should keep virtually ALL of them from being reelected in 2016.
Every once in awhile I like to put up a graph like this just to drive the conservatives batshit.
3:19 AM
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