As I'm sure most of you remember the Huffington Post wrote this piece saying that they did not think that Trump was a serious candidate and would from now on report on him as "Entertainment" instead of in their "Politics" section.
There were a number of news outlets that disagreed with that decision, and in fact some of you expressed similar opinions here in the IM comment section as well.
Now as it turns out David Corn of Mother Jones, who by the way one would expect to be among the first to mock Trump's candidacy, is agreeing with those dissenters:
Trump has indeed turned an important event—a major political party selecting its presidential nominee—into a stretch Hummer-sized clown car. A Trump-dominated GOP contest does have the feel of a super-charged reality show, with political consumers (that is, the audience) on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next Trump tweet—Trweet™—blasting another foe or critic. ("Hey Pope Francis, you suck!") Trump is campaigning as a bombastic buffoon, playing to the crowd and inspiring love-hate viewing. Yet, I believe my dear comrades at HuffPo (and I hope they will link to this article) are wrong.
It's not that Trump is truly a statesman who ought to be regarded as such. But he is a political phenomenon that tell us much about a significant slice of the American public: Republican voters. It is indeed a drop-dead serious matter that a large bloc of GOPers—perhaps a plurality, depending on which poll you prefer—would entrust this nation to Trump. And the fact that Trump's demagoguery is prevailing at this early stage of the Republican presidential race is a measure of how far the tea party shift in the party has gone—and how this ideological extremism has developed deep roots within the GOP.
Okay well that is a valid point.
However personally I will NEVER be able to treat a Trump candidacy as anything other than a joke.
Of course at this point that is pretty much how I treat the entire Republican party.
Okay now David Corn of Mother Jones says that we SHOULD take Donald Trump's candidacy seriously. I'm so confused.
1:36 PM
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