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"See? My flag pillow is at half sofa in honor of the murdered military members." |
If you follow Obama administration actions this summer, you see it's their "Summer of the Flag". They seek to ban some flags (Confederate battle flag.), light up our White House in controversial colors of others (LGBT flag.), inexplicably wave the white flag retreating from Iran's terrorist regime, and today actually raised the flag of a communist nation in the halls of our US State Department (Cuba's flag.). Why then is it impossible for this Commander in Chief to honor our fallen military heroes following last week's terrorist murder spree in Chattanooga? He did so after evil attacks on Americans in Aurora, CO and New Town, CT - so why not now, Mr. President? Why not our troops?
Demand he do so! Whether you agree with me or not on other issues, please join this effort. If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything, and this IS something to stand for! (Actually not really.)
President Obama - we shouldn't even have to tell you, but lower the flags. It is the sign of respect. Include our White House flag, for honoring our fallen who were killed on their Chattanooga base where they're working and sacrificing for all of us - including you. (How is luring young men and women into the military with false promises helping all of us again?)
After this rant Palin provides a link to a petition on SarahPAC which requires a first and last name, and of course an e-mail address to help "send a message."
Of course the message you will be sending is that you are dumb enough to share your e-mail address with them and now want to receive fundraising letters from SarahPAC ad nauseum.
As it turns out this is not a crusade of Palin's making, as other conservative outlets are also bitching about it. Including Palin's favorite porcine Christmas defender Todd Starnes.
However Snopes looked into this and there are a couple of reasons why the President may not have issued a proclamation to have the flags lowered:
Some have speculated that the lack of a presidential proclamation might be because as tragic and senseless as they were, the Chattanooga deaths involved members of the U.S. armed forces who are considered to have been killed in the line of duty (unlike the other mass shooting events referenced above, which involved civilian deaths), and while individual states often lower their flags to honor local natives or residents who die in the service of their country, doing so at a national level would require the President to pick and choose among service deaths to decide which to so honor.
Sounds reasonable.
Actually this is a complete nonissue that ONLY the most anti-Obama zealots would even give two shits about.
After all how many people are spending their days staring at the D.C. flagpoles and losing their minds when the flags are not lowered when THEY think they should be lowered?
If this is pissing these conservatives off this much, just wait until the next story I post. THAT will make their little pointy heads explode.