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In this Fartknocker post there are actually three videos feature, non of them longer than like a minute and a half. However it was only the one about guns that I found at all interesting.
Here take a second to read this and tell me if you can tell why:
"Quick story here. In twenty ten a woman was putting her son to bed when she heard a commotion. So she went to investigate and she was confronted by three men en masse (WTF?) pointing a gun right at her. She offered her television set because that was the most valuable thing she owned, but nope they took off toward her son's room and they were in search of cash. 'I keep money under my mattress' she lied, in a desperate attempt to keep them away from her son. The bedroom was, not coincidentally, where she kept her gun. They followed her to her room, and one man got out some duct tape. When her dogs ran in, they started barking, it was all the distraction that she needed. Ahh! She shot one of the assailants, in the stomach (Check out Palin's gleeful expression at this point.), and the other two men, they ran away. Here’s the thing: the gun that she used is now illegal in New York because of its seventeen-round capacity. Had this happened in New York right now, this woman would be considered more of a criminal than the three guys who broke into her house! Ahh! When you hear people talking about outlawing certain guns, remember that those restrictions put law-abiding people, the good guys like this brave woman, put them in danger"
Okay now first off you all know that I would never simply call Sarah Palin a liar just because she lies as easily as some people breathe, and because after years of fact checking her catching her telling the truth is as rare as finding a picture of Bristol NOT making that stupid duck face.
However I should say that so far I have been unable to locate a news story that matches the details in Palin's story.
And the story itself does not seem to make a whole lot of sense. At all.
First off the woman has dogs, yet SHE was the first person in the house to hear a "commotion."
Now I have my daughter's dog living with me right now and SHE is always the first one in the house to respond to anything amiss. Or even not so amiss for that matter.
For instance the other day she jumped up and started barking like crazy because a guy working on a construction site behind my house accidentally stepped onto my property. He was yards away from any door or window but she wanted me to know that the son-of-a-bitch was too close for comfort.
So how could three men enter this woman's house and her dogs not make a peep?
Okay secondly Palin says they were there looking for money, and instead of asking HER for the money they "took off toward her son's room." Now I have no idea how old her son is, but why would they think that HE would be the one holding enough cash to justify a home invasion?
Is he a drug dealer? A child television star? An accountant for the mob?
So then the woman convinces ALL THREE of the men to follow her to her bedroom and they all come, not leaving one lookout in the other room or anything. And once there in the room THEN the dogs finally make an appearance? Where the fuck were they all of this time?
So according to Palin's story the woman then retrieves a gun from somewhere in the bedroom and fires it hitting one of the men in the stomach. (Oh and she loves this part, watch her eyes.)
Now putting all of that aside (Yeah good luck with that!) the point Palin is making is that under newer gun restrictions if this woman lived in New York, which Palin never clarifies, she would not have been able to have that firearm because of its seventeen-round clip.
Which of course is completely false, since it is the CLIP that is now illegal not the gun.
So to sum up, the entire possibly bullshit story she tells is just to make a false point about gun control, which is easily refuted with a quick Google search.
Gee, I wonder why TAPP pulled the plug on her "channel?"