Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:
Last week, Rep. Robert Pittenger joined several of his fellow members of Congress, such as Trent Franks and Louie Gohmert, as well as Religious Right activists "Coach" Dave Daubenmire, E.W. Jackson, and others in speaking at a week-long revival meeting in Washington, D.C., called "Celebrate America," organized by televangelist and "Holy Laughter" preacher Rodney Howard-Browne.
Pittenger told the audience that his "primary mission" as a member of Congress is to spread the Gospel of Christ and that every issue of public policy is founded on the "reality of Christ."
"The most important message that needs to be heard in this city is the Gospel and love of Christ," Pittenger said, adding that people who hold different political views "just don't know my Savior."
"That's my primary mission as a member of Congress," the North Carolina Republican said. "Yes, to serve my constituents, to serve my region, and my state, and my country. But we're here as emissaries for Christ."
You know perhaps I missed a day or two during my high school government class, but I always thought that the primary purpose of a United States Congressman was to make laws, NOT to proselytize.
I totally must have slept through the lesson on members of Congress needing to preach the Gospel.
To be serious religious zealots like this guy have no place in our Congress or our Senate, and should actually be barred from ever running for office in this country in order to protect us from their irrational thought processes.
Time and time again, whether it be addressing climate change, educating our children, providing civil rights to the LGBT community, or promoting science, we see these religious nuts voting in ways that significantly effect our country in a negative manner and hold up our progress as a nation.
And that shit needs to stop!
Texas Congressman claims that his "primary mission as a member of Congress" is to spread "the Gospel of Christ." Uh, no it's not.
3:43 PM
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