Secondly this guy's head is so far up Palin's ass that he can watch her digest her daily intake of Red Bull and Crunchwrap Supremes.
Which is pretty obvious from how this Kevin Scholla guy starts the article:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was my guest on The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio and she tackled the hot topics with precision, passion, and poise. From Planned Parenthood to our Second Amendment, Palin didn’t shy away. She gave lucid arguments for how to proceed while making no excuses for being a Christian in a Christian nation.
Yep he actually suggested she was "lucid."
Here are the "lucid" things she said about the GOP candidates:
“I’m very thankful we have a deep bench and they all have positive attributes. They all have some good background that bodes well for what they would do as the administrator, the executive of our nation. I just have appreciated though the opportunity to speak personally and on a professional level about Mr. Trump’s attributes.”
Just dripping with lucidity don't you think?
But the truly lucid remarks are left for Planned Parenthood:
“Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded and shut down,” said Palin. “It is such a sham business. This BS of them touting all the medical services they provide women and the free healthcare–They don’t provide all these services. They are able to refer out services. It’s immoral, it’s unethical, it’s disgusting, it’s despicable, this butcher shop that we see now that they are.”
And of course what does Scholla believe gives Palin the credibility to go after Planned Parenthood so viciously?
Of course Palin has a unique perspective here, after choosing life for her son Trig knowing that he’d be born with Down Syndrome.
That's right her fake pregnancy is the golden ticket that she needs to lie and demagogue to her heart's content. After all who could dare challenge her after she "gave birth" to her little Down syndrome prop?
Besides me of course.
Here is her final
“We need constitutional conservatives who really understand what freedom is and how important it is to fight for freedom,” Palin said. “They have to be fighters. We have to be fighters. We have to do it now. We don’t have a whole lot of time left to undo what Obama has done to our country so we need to start doing our own homework on candidates. Our own homework on what these policies and these laws actually are coming out of DC and we need to take action. God doesn’t drive parked cars. He expects us to take action and to do our own homework.”
"God doesn't drive parked cars?" So somebody clear this up for me, to the Right Wing is the word "lucid" interchangeable with "batshit crazy?"
Cause I'm confused.