Get a load of this:
It’s official. I used to use this blog to point out how liberals use the “outrage industry” to manipulate people and keep their power. Now Republicans are just as bad.
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard that there’s a guy named Erick Erickson, of RedState, who disinvited Donald Trump from a gathering of conservatives because, as he put it, “there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross. Decency is one of those lines.”
Nancy French, undoubtedly wearing her Bristol Palin Halloween costume, lists off Erick Erickson's outrageous remarks, which suspiciously echo similar remarks on Nancy's own blog.
Well what a quinky dink!
Then Nancy adjusts the Palin wig that her employer let her borrow for inspiration, slams back a Red Bull for inspiration, and starts typing to earn those SarahPAC dollars:
I don’t endorse everything Donald Trump says or does… Mainly because I actually have to work for a living and I don’t pay as much attention to politics as professional pundits. But I know that I hate the “politics of outrage” that people engage in. (Yeah it's not nearly as honest as attacking Miley Cyrus, or bitching that Caitlyn Jenner received an award.)
Give me a break.
We only have so many opportunities to hear from the fifty million candidates who are apparently running for President. And we get the Fox moderators asking questions that the New York Times applauds? Please. Let’s don’t use the Democratic “war on women” talking points when we have ISIS to worry about.
Mark Levin said the debates were an “embarrassment as far as I’m concerned… while the New York Times and CNN praised the event, I considered it an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people. Not gotcha questions, not gossip… I think the American people are owed an apology.
Oh and before we get off the topic of Fox News and the fact that they are “oh-so-shocked” at the supposed sexism of Donald Trump… here’s a little perspective. (Perspective? Oh this ought to be good.)
Back in 2010, Chris Wallace joked about having my Mom sit on his lap during an interview. In 2011, Roger Ailes said, “I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.” (Actually a little surprising she is bringing this up. I thought Palin was still in denial about this being the reason she was hired at Fox.)
Fox and Erickson need to get off their high horse on how outraged they are NOW about sexism and decency.
Let’s focus on winning the election, not winning accolades from the New York Times.
Okay if you believe a word, and I mean one word, of that came from the pea sized brain of Bristol Palin I have a first edition of the holy Bible signed by the author himself to sell you.
Somebody recently wondered why we would even care what Bristol Palin wrote.
I don't really.
But I do care what the woman Sarah Palin hired to write things under her daughter's byline is saying in defense of a man who as revealed below is paying news outlets, and possibly others, to write nice things about him and come to his defense.
THAT is potentially newsworthy and I think it deserves a little attention.
As does the fact that even though she is losing SarahPAC donations by the truckload, Palin still feels compelled to keep paying this woman to impersonate her daughter on a blog that gets limited media attention.
There is some reason for that.
Update: Well perhaps the reason for that is so that you can link to it to make the point you paid your ghostwriter to make, while also reinforcing the myth that your daughter can write her way out of a wet paper bag:
Rocks and glass houses don’t go together when you’re playing PC gotcha games, so please spare us the holier than thou routine. Read Bristol’s post on how hypocritical this “trumped up” outrage is.
Oooh, tricky!
Nancy French, paid by Sarah Palin to pretend to be Bristol Palin, is coming out in defense of Donald Trump. Soooo predictable.
5:50 PM
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