So the other day, as we know, Nancy French doffed her Bristol Palin wig and snap on chin to go after Erick Erickson, owner of Redstate, for disinviting "The Donald" to his conservative gathering over the remarks he made about Fox's Megyn Kelly.
This upset the folks over at Redstate, who believe that they have been more than fair with the Palins over the years:
Over the years at RedState, the rotating cast of 15 or 20 front pagers who have come and gone have written and said dozens (or maybe hundreds) of articles about Palin. Back in the aftermath of McCain’s defeat we, as a unified front, promised to deep six the candidacy of any Republican candidate who hired the McCain operatives who were engaging in a smear campaign against Palin.
Over the years, as Palin’s fortunes have waxed and waned, various RedState authors have taken various stances about various things that Palin has done – some positive and some negative. However, RedState has taken a unified stand against the personal smearing of Palin and her family, and has stood strongly against the tabloidization of their private lives and the attacks against the Palin children (including Bristol, in particular).
That having been said, bylines are fairly simple things to understand, and Erick’s position with respect to the Palins has been one of almost unrelenting positiveness. And over the years Erick has taken no small amount of grief from his cohorts in the media and the blogosphere for sticking up for the Palins even when many other people (including myself) had given up on them politically.
The article then goes on to point out that Bristol/Nancy/Sarah also accused Erick Erickson of purposefully posting that photoshopped picture of Palin up at the top:
Erickson’s RedState once used a demeaning fake photo (wearing a revealing shirt with Santa Claus) of my Mom for an attack article on her. Erickson refused to take it down even after he was made aware that it was photoshopped.
The Redstate article points out that they did initially post the photo thinking it was real, and then took it down after being alerted to the fact that it was fake. (Just to brag a little, we here at IM knew it was fake all along.)
You know I find it really humorous that the folks at Redstate would get all upset with Bristol over this attack from Bristol's blog. After all it was written by Nancy French, paid for with SarahPAC dollars, and Bristol probably does not even know it exists.
If Redstate wants to get their panties in a twist over being mistreated by a Palin, then it is Sarah Palin who deserves their anger.
However it should also be noted that Palin did not just go after Redstate in this chicken shit, hide behind her daughter's ghostwriter manner, she also went after Fox News.
You know the people who paid her over a million dollars and allowed her spout her incoherent gibberish on their airwaves as if it had some value to the political discourse.
The lesson that Redstate, Fox News, and everybody else really, need to learn is that Sarah Palin does not like or trust anybody. And if she is reaching out to give you a hug now, that is only so she can feel around your back for the best place to stick a knife later.
Redstate takes offense at Bristol Palin's attack on them, since they have often been ardent Palin defenders. I guess they assumed that a Palin would be grateful?
7:27 AM
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