Courtesy of Media Matters:
During an Aug. 12 appearance on WIBX's Keeler in the Morning, Nugent defended Trump, whom he says is his favorite presidential candidate, by making crude comments about Kellyand suggesting she may be becoming "stupid."
Nugent said, "I'm a big fan of Donald Trump because I believe in bold, aggressive, unapologetic truth. Period. And I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly, although I often turn on Fox just to look at her. Sometimes when I'm loading my [gun ammunition] magazines, I like to just look at her. And I usually sit naked on the couch dropping hot brass on my stuff."
(I'm not even sure what that means, but it sounds disgusting. Which I'm pretty sure it's supposed to.)
Nugent then criticized Kelly for asking Trump about his history of sexist comments, stating, "I'm afraid the gorgeous, stunning, otherwise professional and tuned-in Megyn Kelly absolutely fell of the cliff of political correctness when she proposed that obnoxious, meaningless, nonsensical, biased question for Donald Trump."
Nugent continued: "Megyn Kelly absolutely broke all of our hearts as only a Megyn Kelly could when she went into the status quo world. She isn't status quo, but she started acting, and sounding, and looking like one, and I don't believe she is. I think she is playing some games, either that or she's getting bad advice, either that or she's just getting stupid. Either way, Donald Trump is the good guy, currently Megyn Kelly ain't."
Gosh how totally surprising to hear that a man who wrote a song about having sex with a minor has misogynistic things to say about Megyn Kelly. Who I am sure Roger Ailes hired because she is "hot."
Who would pal around with an asshole like this?
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting.
Ted Nugent is really disappointed in Fox's Megyn Kelly, but he likes to watch her on TV while he's naked.
1:53 PM
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