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A conservative House of Representatives faction led by Champaign County GOP Rep. Jim Jordan announced Thursday its members will vote against any federal spending bill that contains money for Planned Parenthood, dramatically increasing the chance of an Oct. 1 government shutdown.
"Given the appalling revelations surrounding Planned Parenthood, we cannot in good moral conscience vote to send taxpayer money to this organization while still fulfilling our duty to represent our constituents," said the statement issued by the House Freedom Caucus, which Jordan heads.
Jordan and his group are angered by the release of videos that suggest Planned Parenthood profits from selling tissue from aborted fetuses to medical researchers. He and his supporters want to redirect Planned Parenthood's share of federal reproductive health care money to clinics that don't perform abortions.
The stance by the Freedom Caucus' roughly 40 members will make it harder for Republican leaders who control the House and Senate to a pass a bill to keep the federal government open after current government funding expires on Sept. 30.
"No one wants to shut down the government, but I believe that Congress should take the money that is currently going to Planned Parenthood and give it to federally qualified clinics that are providing more comprehensive care to women," said Jordan. "If President Obama and Harry Reid want to shut down the government over an allegiance to that one particular organization, instead of funding our troops and funding women's health care, then that's a sad commentary on their priorities."
Okay when this jerkwad talks about "federally qualified clinics that are providing more comprehensive care to women," what he really means is "Religious based anti-choice clinics that push abstinence only education, adoption as the only alternative to an unwanted pregnancy, and of course offer numerous pamphlets that shame women for being such sluts."
I don't think I still need to point out that those Planned Parenthood videos were heavily edited in order to smear Planned Parenthood, but for anybody still on the fence here you go.
If these idiots go through with their threat this will be the second government shutdown under Barack Obama, and like the third or fourth time the conservatives have threatened to do so since he took office back in 2008.
I seriously doubt that the administration is going to buckle under to this kind of hostage taking, especially since their reasons for doing it are based on ignorance and ideology.
Conservatives plan to shut down the government again unless they stop funding Planned Parenthood. What is the definition of insanity again?
1:44 PM
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