Courtesy of Mediaite:
“They set this up as a religious play again,” he said. “This is the same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out of our lives and out of our government.’ Well, here we go again.”
“When this started, this lawyer said he needed an accommodation for a woman who wanted one. She said she didn’t want her name on a license for gay people,” Smith said. “Now they’ve come up with one, they’ve let her out of jail… But it’s not what they want.”
“This is what they want, what you’re hearing now and this what they’re going to get: stirred up argument and a couple of days in the news cycle, and they’re going to be able to make these claims.”
Smith argued the Supreme Court had already ruled on the issue of gay marriage, and the issued was settled. “This is not unprecedented. They did it when they said black and white people couldn’t marry.”
Well that is an acute observation.
Which means it cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.
This courtesy of The Right Scoop:
What a puke. Christians simply want for the government to stay out of our Christian beliefs instead of imprisoning us when our beliefs go against the invented rights of a lawless Supreme Court. And then he calls us hypocrites for not wanting Muslim theocracy in our country, suggesting we want to push our Christian values on the government? Does he know anything about how this country was founded? Has he ever read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? What an idiot.
Yeah what an idiot.
What an idiot for saying something pretty damn obvious.
What an idiot for pointing out the historical perspective in all of this.
And what an idiot for staying on Fox News.
Seriously Shep, WTF?
Is Roger Ailes holding your family hostage? Does he have incriminating pictures of you? What could possibly keep you at a cable news station with an ideological viewpoint that you clearly do not share?
I just don't get it.
(H/T to Raw Story)
Fox News host Shep Smith says something reasonable about the Kim Davis rally, immediately gets attacked by Right Wing.
12:42 PM
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