Courtesy of Opposing Views:
Rev. Franklin Graham recently announced his Decision America Tour, which will travel to all 50 states in 2016 to encourage Christians to vote for Christians, and to urge Christians to run for political positions on federal, state and local levels.
In an op-ed penned for Charisma News, Graham recalled Nehemiah, from the Bible, who supervised the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days even though he faced opposition from Samaritans, Ammonites, Arabs and Philistines.
Graham claimed: "America's walls of biblical morality are crumbling," and "Christianity and our religious freedoms are under siege. Progressives and secularists want to see God removed from everything and to burn every gate of protection."
Graham didn't say which religious freedoms were "under siege," or name any progressives and secularists who wanted "God removed from everything."
You know usually these Fundamentalist asshats are a little more subtle, but apparently Graham is tired of pussy footing around.
And who can blame him? With millennials turning away from the church in droves, and science answering more and more of the questions that were once considered unanswerable, Christians are seeing their power base crumbling all around them in this country.
So of course they are going to make an aggressive and clumsy grab for power.
However Franklin Graham is going to have to face the fact that he is a dinosaur, and his superstitions are no longer finding favor with many of the young people who will someday lead this country into the new enlightenment.
I only hope I can hang on long enough to see it fore myself.
Franklin Graham to visit all 50 states in attempt to turn America into a theocracy. Well that's helpful.
5:01 AM
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