Courtesy of NPR:
"I never thought I would meet the Pope," Davis said via her legal team. "Who am I to have this rare opportunity? I am just a County Clerk who loves Jesus and desires with all my heart to serve him."
The meeting is said to have occurred last Thursday, the same day Francis addressed Congress. Davis was in Washington for another purpose: She received a Cost of Discipleship award at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit on Friday night.
"Just knowing the pope is on track with what we're doing, and agreeing, you know, kind of validates everything," Davis tells ABC News Wednesday morning, speaking about her meeting with Pope Francis and the stand she has taken against same-sex marriage.
She adds, "I've weighed the cost, and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes."
Asked for comment Vatican spokesmen did not deny that the meeting took place.
You know all of my warm fuzzies about this Pope just dried right up now.
Either he is dedicated to helping to oppress the LGBT community, or he simply does not understand American law. But either way this is a huge screw up on his part.
And you have to know that this is going to re-energize support for Davis and reinvigorate her desire to be seen as a martyr to the cause of "protecting traditional Biblical marriage."
Homophobic county clerk Kim Davis met with Pope Francis during his visit to America. Wait, what?
10:09 AM
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