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"Of course we're friends. Now come closer so I can shake some money out of your pockets...I mean hug you." |
I found this one to be particularly interesting:
Dear (Name removed to protect anonymity),
Friends make the best allies.When I first launched SarahPAC six years ago, it was my goal to raise up an army of grassroots conservatives who would fight for the future of America against the good ole boy Washington bureaucracy. (So it WASN'T simply to line her pockets with money from the simpletons that supported her?) At that time, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and Barrack Obama was on year one of his Apologize for and Destroy America tour. (Otherwise known as the "Fix everything George Bush and the Republicans broke" tour.)
What you and I have accomplished since then has been amazing. (Wait, what?)
In 2010 we had Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and 62 others backs as they took on the establishment and won with Republican’s regaining the House. (Actually on 33 of her picks managed to win. That's barely over half.) Last year, we continued the momentum, financially supporting Joni Ernst, Ben Sasse and others as we took back our Senate. (And once again oh so many more of those she supported lost.)
Now as we turn our attention to retaking the White House and stopping Hard Drive Hillary, I want to thank you for your support. Without you, none of what we do at SarahPAC could be accomplished. (Nor is much being accomplished according to the latest SarahPAC filings.)
(Name removed to protect anonymity), your support is building a strong future for this nation and the future generations that will call it home. For that, I’m proud to call you both a friend and a fellow patriot.
Thank you again for your continuous support,
So now she's friends with the dipshits who send her money?
Doesn't exactly seem that she gets all warm and fuzzy with her fans, now does it?
(That lady on the right looks like somebody is holding a gun on her.)
As for her political impact these days, I think really the ONLY reliably predictable impact that a Sarah Palin endorsement has anymore is that it makes people immediately question the endorsed candidate's sanity for accepting it.
In my opinion the only current presidential candidate who would not suffer catastrophically from a Palin endorsement is Donald Trump who seems to be completely immune from any kind of damage whatsoever.
Other than Trump I would imagine that most candidates would immediately climb out a window if they heard that Palin was in the building looking for them.
In other news a Texan has started a petition to rename a hill in Ohio after Palin. You know to make up for the whole Mt. McKinley thing which seems to offended her family so deeply.
So you know she has that going for her.