Courtesy of Yahoo:
Donald Trump may have a good reason to smile this weekend.
A new poll by SurveyUSA shows the GOP frontrunner leads Democrat contender Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup if the presidential election was held today.
Among the 1,000 adults polled, Trump won 45 percent to Clinton’s 40 percent with 16 percent of respondents “undecided.”
Trump also beats out Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders by 44 percent to 40 percent and Vice President Joe Biden by 44 percent to 42 percent.
The poll goes on to point out that while 44 percent of respondents believed that Hillary would be the Democratic nominee only 30% thought that Trump would win the Republican primary.
You know maybe it's just too early, or maybe I have not had enough coffee yet, but I cannot even begin to process the idea that Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton in a general election to be President of the United States of America.
If that were to actually happen there is NO way that any other country would ever take us seriously again.
New poll shows Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton in head to head match up. Oh that can't be right.
10:08 AM
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