Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:
Think about it - what the heck are we even doing "negotiating" with an evil regime hellbent on destruction? The whole premise of this thing is wrong. It's a long haul to D.C. for the rally but well worth it to take a stand against this asinine deal the President caved on. Our sworn enemy proclaiming, "Allah Akbar, death to America and death to Israel" still holds American hostages, boasts of using the $150 billion dollars we just freed up for them for nefarious uses, and laughs all the way to the banks of the Persian Gulf and beyond. Washington will hear the voices of "We The People" unified against this insanity. I look forward to joining Mr. Trump, Sen. Cruz, Mark Levin and other fed up patriots to rally the troops for America.
- Sarah Palin
Okay I don't know what "troops" Palin thinks she is rallying but if the past is any indication they will likely be overweight 60 year olds, holding misspelled placards, and driving around in personal mobility scooters.
By the way Palin, Cruz, and Trump are all too late to stop anything as the President already has the votes to clinch the deal.
Besides even Colin Powell said it was "a pretty good deal."
You remember Colin Powell don't you Sarah? He was the Secretary of State under George W. Bush.
This is essentially a group of losers getting together to throw a pity party and trying to drum up some attention for themselves.
And what pity party would be complete without Sarah Palin?
Sarah Palin goes to Washington.
10:01 AM
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