Courtesy of Mediaite:
In response to a question about Republican rhetoric on Iran, that nation’s president Hassan Rouhani said that he finds it to be “laughable.”
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked Rouhani about the current Republican presidential race, specifically with regard to how the candidates are denouncing the Iran nuclear deal.
Rouhani said, “What is spoken of here in the United States of America… [is] quite laughable, it was very strange.” Iranians, he explained, view this “as a form of entertainment.”
“Can a government become a signatory to an international agreement and then the subsequent government tear it to shreds? This is something that only the likes of Sadaam Hussein would do.”
Now of course this will have no impact on the Republican presidential candidates, or their constituents, since they think this guy is essentially Satan's twin brother and will assume this is simply Iranian propaganda.
However I think many of us have little doubt that this is more than likely an accurate assessment of how not just Iran, but other countries in the Middle East and Europe now view the Republican party.
We have something else in common with the Iranians. They laugh at the Republicans too.
3:07 AM
1 minute read
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