The day the trap was sprung. |
According to the court papers, Palin has 'repeatedly invited Mr. Meyer to see his daughter' but stipulated that the grounds be set so as not to disrupt her breastfeeding schedule.
Her response to his emergency custody motion explains: 'Ms. Palin is currently breastfeeding their two-month old daughter and plans to continue doing so until she is at least a year old.
'It is in Sailor's best interest that breastfeeding continue and that Mr. Meyer's visitation be fashioned so that he may begin bonding with Sailor without disrupting her breastfeeding schedule.'
Meyer had originally sought to see Sailor for four consecutive days, between March 19 and 22, away from Palin from noon to 6pm on March 19 and then from 8am until 6pm on every other day.
He also argued that a decision needed to be made quickly to allow him to make travel plans from his native Kentucky to Alaska where Palin and his child live.
But Palin's lawyers asserted: 'Sailor's best interests trump Mr. Meyer's interest in prearranging his travel plans.'
Dakota better get his head out of his ass, because he is being manipulated by a woman who learned from the best.
The article goes on to say that Dakota will start to have visitation with Sailor every two weeks starting on March 18.
Gee I wonder if he would like to go hunting while he is up here? If only there were an experienced hunter in Wasilla willing to take him.
Any ideas?