Shaun King is a loathsome piece of garbage.
Police in Linden, New Jersey did something truly amazing today.I’m not being sarcastic. After Ahmad Khan Rahami was suspected of planting a bomb in Manhattan on Saturday, the FBI put out an APB on the 28-year-old Rahami and warned that he could be armed and dangerous. It turns out that was true.Police located Rahami in Linden, N.J. Two officers were shot during the confrontation. One was saved because of their vest and another got grazed in the face by a bullet. In spite of all of this, those officers and others found a way to arrest Rahami without blowing his head off. It’s amazing, but surely that was not an accident. Somebody somewhere wanted Rahami to be brought alive for questioning.The last we saw him, Rahami was strapped to a stretcher — on his way to a local hospital. I’m glad they didn’t kill him. Maybe they’ll be able to question him and learn his motives or see if he was a part of a network of some kind. As a man with a huge family who roams this city, I’m glad Rahami is off the streets, but I just can’t get one observation out of my mind.Rahami was suspected of planting a bomb that injured dozens of people. He shot two police officers. Yet, he was brought in alive.Again, I’m glad. This is was first class police work and those officers put their lives on the line for us today. I tip my hat to them.What I want to know is this…Can African-Americans all over the country get a little of that Ahmad Khan Rahami treatment?The family of Terence Crutcher could’ve really used some of that Ahmad Khan Rahami police work.Instead, they got the firing squad, which is curious, because the FBI didn’t put an APB out for Terence. He didn’t plant a bomb. He wasn’t armed or dangerous. He wasn’t even a suspect