In this case, the woman is hip-hop radio personality DJ Nessa Diab. She's a Berkeley grad, a very dogmatic outspoken Black Lives Matter advocate and a Muslim. She and Colin Kaepernick are engaged, and Kaepernick converted to Islam during the off season.The two are reportedly planning what Kaepernick calls 'a traditional Muslim wedding.' Pretty simple...boy meets radical girl, they find they have interests and ideology in common...except, it's haram, forbidden for a Muslima (a Muslim girl) to marry a non-believer. This is not to say that Kaepernick wasn't pretty far along the radical path anyway. It's a real love story...not only do they love the same things, but they can hate the same people too. There are certainly a fair amount of patriotic American Muslims, but many Muslims here follow the Qu'ran which says their first loyalty aside from Allah is to theumma, the worldwide Muslim polity. No one with common sense would call the folks at Black Lives Matter remotely patriotic, so it all fits together pretty well.
Another part of the back story is that both Kaepernick and Nessa Diab have beenagitating the 49er's to trade Kaepernick to New York, where Diab is based. Ideology aside, this might be Kaepernick's way of adding some fuel to the fire. The 49er's have obviously made a business decision to keep Kaepernick on their roster and, with the collusion of the media, to keep this part of the story covered up. That's fine, it's a business decision, but if I felt that way about America, I'd vote with my principles and leave.
Another part of the back story is that both Kaepernick and Nessa Diab have beenagitating the 49er's to trade Kaepernick to New York, where Diab is based. Ideology aside, this might be Kaepernick's way of adding some fuel to the fire. The 49er's have obviously made a business decision to keep Kaepernick on their roster and, with the collusion of the media, to keep this part of the story covered up. That's fine, it's a business decision, but if I felt that way about America, I'd vote with my principles and leave.
Colin Kaepernick certainly has the right not to honor the flag of the country that has treated him so well, but football fans can also make a boycotting the 49er's and any subsequent team they might trade Kaepernick to until he's history.
That's freedom too, isn't it?