Democrats reveled in their attacks on Donald Trump over comments he made in what he thought was a private conversation eleven years ago. They and the establishment turncoat Republicans attempted to use that as the premise for forcing Donald Trump to quit the race, something that he was never going to do.
Now there’s another hot mic incident but it’s one in which the shoe is on the other unclean and scum-coated foot, that of the Clinton media tools at CNN. They were pretending to have one of those infamous focus groups where the “undecided” voters are miraculously won over right before their eyes by the impressive mastery of the facts and strong arguments of their critically flawed criminal candidate, Hillary Clinton. Well aware of what a loser they’re backing, CNN’s not leaving anything to chance; they script everything.
In the Mark Dice video report, the CNN stage actor playing the role of a supposedly objective news person addresses the group of “undecided” voters. Clinton makes the statement as the focus group is rating her with their dials that “America is already great but we are great because we’re good.”
The actress/host then coaches the participant on the response she’s looking for as they cut back to her, whispering “America’s great because it’s good.” The focus group participant nods a “gotcha” and then is immediately addressed by the host who says, “Alright, so I’m going to ask you, what was it about Hillary Clinton’s argument that resonated with you following Donald Trump’s defense of the video?”