Residents debate Hispanic neighborhood changing street signs into Spanish
When Hispanic residents of downtown Allentown want to grab a bite, get their hair cut or shop for groceries, they often head to Seventh Street — but they don’t call it that. To them, it’s Calle Siete.
A councilman wants to honor the city’s growing Hispanic population by installing decorative Spanish-language street signs on one of its main commercial thoroughfares, where a profusion of Latino-owned restaurants, barbershops and corner stores reflects the rapidly changing demographics of the state’s third-largest city. Hispanics now represent nearly half the population of 120,000
Terrorist groups are closer to us than you might think. The most prominent and well-known in South America is Hezbollah. It works with drug cartels and local terrorists such as the FARC in Colombia. Now that Colombian citizens rejected a peace deal between the FARC and their government, there is a fear drug-trafficking will continue and connections with Hezbollah will remain. The U.S. needs to provide its regional allies with financial assistance, limited military aid, and intelligence to help disrupt these sorts of relationships before there’s another attack on U.S. soil.
New far-right code words emerge on social media
Far-right social media users in the US are adopting a new form of hate-slang to refer to Jews, Muslims, Mexicans and other minority groups.
Jews are being referred to as “Skypes”, African-Americans are labelled “Googles”, Latinos are described as “Yahoos”, while Muslims are called “Skittles”.
These phrases are believed to have been adopted to circumvent Googles’ new anti-racism technology
WIKILEAKS: Hillary labels Blacks and Muslims ‘professional never-do-wells’
“The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances
Australia to permit indefinite detention after completion of terrorism-related sentences
There would be no new trial, although prisoners would have the right to argue in court that they aren’t a threat — the change will upend a centuries-old legal principle that prisoners are automatically released when their sentences end.
Death Threats to Canadian journalists for reporting on Muslim sex attacks on high schools girls
There is a story unfolding in Canada that should be on the front page of every newspaper not just in Canada but in the West. But it’s not which is, in and of itself, a major story.
The Mississauga Gazette published an article, “Bonnie’s Muslims Are Molesting Teenage Girls in Mississauga High Schools” [scroll down].
This is not new. We have seen these attacks everywhere with large Muslim populations, like Mississauga. The UK is rife with thousands of Muslim child sex trafficking gangs and reports of mass sexual attacks across Europe in the wake of the Muslim invasion are rampant.
This website’s readers are long familiar with Mississauga, home of Aqsa Parvez who was honor murdered by her father and brother for her refusal to wear the hijab. Atlas readers contributed to a memorial grove in her name (and the victims of honor killings worldwide).
Instead of issuing an investigation of the sex attacks on minor infidel girls, the craven Mississauga mayor Bonnie Crombie filed a hate crime complaint against paper. Muslims have issued numerous death threats, the journalist quit. The article was pulled by the publisher who declared it ‘public domain’ and called for those who stand in defense of freedom to reprint it.
It’s the death, the murder of free speech. Speech that is offensive to some must not be curtailed, but protected. If speech that offends a group is outlawed, that group has absolute power, and a free society is destroyed. A group that cannot be criticized cannot be opposed. It can work its will no matter what it is, and no one will be able to say anything to stop it.