There is no room for WHITIE in the RAHMIE WORLD
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has picked his 31-year-old liaison to the City Council to take over as the new city clerk.
The selection of Anna Valencia to replace Susana Mendoza honors a decade-long tradition at City Hall of the clerk being a Hispanic office. And if Emanuel chooses to run again in 2019, which is looking increasingly likely, it adds diversity to a citywide ticket also likely to include Treasurer Kurt Summers, who is African American.
Valencia has been the mayor's director of legislative counsel and government affairs. In that role, she works to build aldermanic support for Emanuel's agenda.
As clerk, Valencia will be most visible to most Chicagoans as she person who runs the city vehicle sticker program. Emanuel said in a news release that she also will be in charge of a new municipal ID program meant to provide a way for undocumented immigrants and homeless people get city services.