Chicago Police K-9 Bob, a 7-year-old female Labrador - says her final goodbyes to her handler/partner CPD officer Michael Walters as she is put down due to a brain tumor
8:40 PM
Chicago police officer K-9 Bob, a 7-year-old female Labrador, said her final goodbyes to her handler, CPD officer Michael Walters, and other officers outside her home and the Niles Animal Hospital on Dec. 7, 2016. K-9 Bob was Officer Walters' first dog and worked in the explosion detection K-9 unit. "She was diagnosed over a year ago with a brain tumor and they didn't give her very long to live but she lasted over a year so that's pretty good. It's time. She's not there anymore and it has taken its toll. It's time for her to pass over that rainbow bridge and move on," said Officer Walters. "It's tough, it's very tough to say goodbye to this wonderful dog, but I just know it's time in my heart and I think she does too."
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