The sharply worded questions from Judge Vincent Gaughan led Lisette Mojica, an assistant corporation counsel, to finally admit that as far as she knew, Emanuel hadn't been consulted.
As is his practice, Gaughan then went into his chambers for closed-door discussions with lawyers in the hot-button case that lasted nearly 50 minutes.
After returning to court, Gaughan said a tentative arrangement had been reached over the disputed emails, but he said he was not going to reveal the details because it had not been finalized.
The emails from the Chicago police and the police oversight agency had been turned over to the city's Office of Inspector General as part of its investigation into Van Dyke's fatal shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald and a possible cover-up involving other officers at the scene. A dashboard camera video of the shooting showed Van Dyke opening fire within seconds of exiting his police SUV as McDonald walked away with a knife in his hand, contradicting many of the officers' written accounts that the teen had lunged at police with the knife.