Over the weekend, Kanye West took to social media to share his plans of placing the photo of Dr. Jan Adams on his next album cover.
Adams performed Kanye mom’s, Donda West’s final surgery before her passing in 2007.
Dr. Adams has now responded to Kanye in an open letter published by The Blast.
In the letter, Adams said, “Thank you for thinking of me for the cover of your next album. That is kind of you. I can truly say I have never been on an album cover before.”
He continued, “Unfortunately, I have to decline at this time, and I ask that you cease and desist using my photo or any image of me to promote your album or any of your work.”
Adams suggested that Kanye uses his cousin’s photo for his album cover instead. “Perhaps you should put your cousin’s picture on your next album. Don’t put my picture out there and claim you are about love. Love deals with the truth.”
In detail, Adams spoke about the official coroner’s report on Donda West’s death, which highlighted negligence by her nurse, Stephan Scoggins, following the surgery.
Kanye responded to Adams letter on Twitter and said, “This is amazing. Thank you so much for this connection brother. I can’t wait to sit with you and start healing.”