should have RENNS in your paragraph. RENNS stands for reasons,
examples, names, numbers, and sense. These further explain the
supporting ideas. Forth, you should have a concluding sentence. This is
optional, but it is highly recommended. It leaves the reader with
something to think about and it summarizes the supporting ideas. Fifth,
all the sentences in the paragraph should directly support the topic.
Last, make sure that the paragraph is well organized and easy to
follow.I hope this helped! Good luck with your paragraph!"
Characteristics of a Good Paragraph
4:32 AM
"So you're writing a paragraph for an essay or for work and you want it
to be good? Here are the characteristics of a good paragraph: First, you
need a topic sentence. This includes the topic and purpose of your
paragraph. Second, you need supporting ideas. You should have about
three to six of these. The supporting ideas support the topic sentence.
They explain and describe the topic. Third, you
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