hero's are the protectors of those who are ""weak"". Some other
characteristics of a modern hero is that they display a great deal of
courage, they take action regardless of being afraid, they are decisive,
they take action with no second thoughts or hesitation, they are
helpful to those who are in need, they have a strong dedication to
selfless service, they are always willing to place their own lives in
harms way first before placing the danger on someone else. Lastly, a
modern day hero always does the right thing; they are determined to be
honorable and loyal in their actions."
Characteristics of a Modern Hero
4:32 AM
"Some of the characteristics of a modern hero can be seen portrayed in
many of the movies that are made in the theater. The modern day hero can
be either male of female in gender, but the characteristics are by no
doubt the same. The modern day hero likes to go above and beyond of what
would be expected from someone. Typically, the hero does this in order
to save others that are in harms way;
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