spending lifestyle. A responsible citizen also would perhaps make sure
to vote every year for important matters, and participate in town
meetings. Volunteering in your city, at local organizations is a sure
way to be responsible, and caring at the same time. Donating your time,
and money to charitable places, such as Good Will, Salvation Army, and
your local food bank, showing your good spirit, and giving back to your
community is a top characteristic of a responsible citizen. Obeying your
legal laws, traffic laws, and such is as well very important in being a
responsible citizen.
Characteristics of a Responsible Citizen
4:33 AM
Being a good citizen takes determination, patience, and dependability.
In order for others to see that you are a responsible citizen you will
need to possess and portray the characteristics of a responsible
citizen. Some characteristics that one might see are, being friendly,
helpful, and a courteous neighbor. Setting an example to others by
paying your bills, taxes, and maintaining a healthy
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