underlying reasons and resist the urge to say thank you. These people
are also know to be hostile without due cause.On the other hand, a
positive, otherwise happy person views situations and life in general as
affirmative, generally regardless of the situation. These people always
see the best in others and second guess or even ignore rude and hostile
behaviors from others. They are not pushovers and generally honest and
realistic.Using the same example as above, a person with a positive
attitude will view the gift as a pleasant surprise and thank the giver,
without thinking of ill-reasons about the gift.I hope this helps."
Characteristics of a Person
4:33 AM
"You can find out a lot about a person just by talking and brief
interactions with them, especially when you ask their opinion about
something or their impression of another person.People with negative
thoughts tend to view things in a negative light no matter how obviously
positive the situation may be. For example, if someone just gave them a
gift, he/she may think that there are some
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