cherub angels are winged angels. They are known also as cherubs or more
commonly as cherubim. Cherubim are mentioned in both Judaism and
Christianity. In Judaism, cherub angels are mentioned in the Torah, Book
of Ezekiel, and Book of Isaiah. In Christianity, cherub angels are
mentioned in Genesis, Ezekiel. 1 Kings, and Revelations. Young babies
and toddlers are often described as
resembling cherub angels. This description is not correct as cherub
angels are winged angels with four faces. The eagle, lion, man, and the
ox. The ox face is believed to be the actual face of the cherub angels.
In Judaism, cherub angels are believed to be the first created. It is
said that God created cherub angels on the third day so that they could
guard the entrance to paradise. In Christian religions, cherub angels
not only guard the entrance to Eden, but also the way to the throne of
God. Check out this link for more information on cherub angels: