So as you can hear the moderator ask Sanders this student's question "You've talked in your campaign about how it's immoral to protect the billionaire class at the expense of the most vulnerable in society-children. A majority of Christians would agree with you but would also go further and say children in the womb need out protection even more. How do you reconcile the two in your mind?"
As you can hear the heavily indoctrinated audience goes wild at this question, however Sanders response not only challenges their thinking, but seems to have earned more than a few converts to his way of thinking.
Here it is in its entirety:
“I do understand that. but I do also understand this is an area where we disagree. I do understand and I do believe that it is improper for the United States government, or state government to tell every woman in this country the very painful and difficult choice that she has to make on that issue.”
Just listen to the applause and voices raised in agreement, most of it sounding female, in response to that statement.
“And I honestly don’t want to be too provocative here, but very often conservatives say, ‘Well, you know, get the government out of my life! I don’t want the government telling me what to do.”
“But on this very sensitive issue on which this nation is divided. A lot of people agree with you, a lot of people agree with me. But my view is I respect absolutely a family that says, ‘No, we are not going to have an abortion,’ I understand that, I respect that. But I would hope that other people respect the very painful and difficult choice that many women feel they have to make and don’t want the government telling them what to they have to do.”
More applause, and female voices raised in agreement.
“ But...but..I want to take that question a step further David. We do disagree on that issue no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I respect your point of view I hope you respect my point of view. But here's where I hope we have common ground."
"Now I'm not trying to be partisan. During my remarks, I have not. But I'm going to be partisan for a moment, because I want to lay this on your shoulders."
"I am the ranking member of the US Senate Budget Committee. That means I lead the Democrats in opposition. Republicans control the House and the Senate."
"Now I want to tell you what was in the Republican budget that passed a number of months ago months ago.” Check it out if you think I'm not telling you the truth. When you talk about issues of children, understand the Republican budget threw 27 million people off of health care, including many children, at a time when many families cannot afford to send their kids to college."
"And I am running on a program by the way that says every public college and university in America should be tuition free."
More applause.
"But at a time when families cannot afford to send their kids to college Republican's budget cut 90 million dollars in Pell grants over a ten year period. At a time when children in America are going hungry, the Republican budget cut billions of dollars in nutrition programs, including money for the WIC program, which goes to low income pregnant women and their babies. And to add insult to injury in that budget, the Republicans provided over $250 billion over a 10-year period in tax breaks to the top two tenths of one percent."
"I don't think that is a moral budget."
Now remember that Sanders made these remarks in front of an audience of conservative Christians, at the university founded by freaking Jerry Falwell.
And not only did he make these remarks unflinching, but he got far more than a tepid response from the crowd.
I have to say that after seeing this my advice to the Clinton campaign is that they better bring their A game, because Bernie is knocking it out of the park.
(H/T to Raw Story.)
Bernie Sanders tells an audience of Liberty University students that on the pro-life issue Republicans are hypocrites.
3:02 PM
3 minute read
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