So as we all remember Glenn Beck recently came out and said that he was embarrassed that he had ever supported Sarah Palin, and even referred to her as a clown.
Which for most of us seemed a day late and a dollar short.
Then, possibly due to backlash or some ex-alcoholic's misplaced remorse, Beck backed off the clown comment, but stuck with his initial criticism.
Beck explained his change of heart in a long, rather slobbery, Facebook post that whined about Palin cutting him off and no longer wanting to be besties:
I haven't had a relationship with Sarah since about the time of the shooting of Gabby Giffords. Nothing to do with that at all, but it was around that time that she withdrew from me and my team and it was because, as Todd told me on the phone, "we have been told who our real friends are." I was stunned. I had backed her hard in every way I knew how. At that time I really believed in her and in fact I really believed she had the ability to change the world for the better.
While I have reached out since we have not spoken in an any meaningful way since.
I don't know what they were told or by whom, but I can guess as it most likely was the same person that tried to drive a stake through my relationship with mark Levin and Sean Hannity and did for several years.
Now when I read all of this I figured that we were due for another wildly incoherent Facebook post slamming Beck for being a backstabbing crybaby.
But the whole weekend went by and.....nothing.
Until today.
However instead of firing up the old ghostwriter Palin has one her "sources" (Todd) contact Breitbart.
And this is what they said:
“The rift between Gov. Palin and Beck goes back to when Beck violated her trust by reading one of her private emails on the air without asking her permission,” the source tells Breitbart News. “It was right after the Gabby Giffords shooting, and Beck garnered a lot of publicity off of reading the email because up to that point Gov. Palin had not spoken publicly about the shooting.”
The rift apparently got worse when Beck allowed one of his Blaze TV employees, Brian Sack, to trash Palin’s family and special needs son Trig in a crude segment with Beck lavishing praise on Sack as “the next Jon Stewart.”
But wait, there's more.
“The crux of the issue was his indiscretion in reading a private email on air. It was a betrayal of trust. She didn’t give consent to having it read publicly and never would have. There was a media firestorm brewing around her at the time. Everyone in the media was hounding her for a statement, but she was very clear that she wanted to wait, get all the facts, and give her full statement at a time and place of her own choosing. What Beck did totally disregarded her wishes,” the source added. “He’s shown that he has little regard for the feelings of anyone unless they’re useful to his ambitions or point of view.”
I speak Palinese, as you know, so allow me to translate.
"Glenn Beck is a chubby booger brain, who did not jump through the hoops we held up for him. However we would never have attacked him over it in a way that could have been traced back to us. So his recent unprovoked attacks on the mother of both a combat veteran and a Down syndrome angel straight from heaven are completely unwarranted and only reveal him to be an impotent Nancy boy."
For his part Beck is apparently unraveling (Yet again) and threatening to pack up his dog and pony show and head off into the sunset.
Didn't he already do that when he left Fox News?
Source close to Sarah Palin (Does his name rhyme with "odd?") slams Glenn Beck over his recent remarks.
5:35 PM
3 minute read
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