This was the exchange after Chris Wallace listed off all of the dirty tricks perpetrated by the Cruz campaign:
“Every accusation you raised there is incorrect,” Cruz replied. “I appreciate your reading the Donald Trump attack file on that.”
WALLACE: “Oh, come on, sir. Wait a minute, sir. You personally apologized to Ben Carson on a debate stage.”
CRUZ: “Chris, don’t interrupt me.”
WALLACE: “You fired your communications director.”
CRUZ: “Chris, don’t interrupt me.”
WALLACE: “Don’t say this in an oppo file on our part, sir.”
CRUZ: “Chris, please don’t interrupt me.”
WALLACE: “Please don’t accuse me of something I didn’t do.”
CRUZ: “Let me know when I’m allowed to answer.”
WALLACE: “Well, don’t accuse me of doing something I didn’t do. Two of those things, you apologized for one and you fired your communications director. Don’t say this is the oppo file.”
I am always amazed by the people who think that Ted Cruz has a chance in hell of winning the general election.
I mean if he cannot even win over Fox News, which helped to create him, than what chance does have in convincing the voters that he is not a slippery pile of human excrement?
Which of course those of us NOT watching Fox News already know that he is.
“Chris, please don’t interrupt me.” Even Fox News is not buying Ted Cruz's BS.
11:05 AM
1 minute read
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