What did you say about me? |
JOHN DICKERSON:Mr. Trump, I want to start with a tweet from you this morning in which you write -- quote -- "The Republican establishment has been pushing for lightweight Senator Marco Rubio to say anything to hit Trump. I signed the pledge. Careful." What does that mean?
DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, they're not treating me well. I signed the pledge. I have been very good. I have been very straight and honest and honorable. And they're not treating me well. They -- you look at the way they stacked the audiences in the debates, and I have won every debate according to every poll, every single online poll after the debate. But way they stack the audiences, the way they talk, they have this lightweight Senator Marco Rubio saying terrible things, just personal, terrible things. And I don't think it's fair, the way that the establishment is treating Donald Trump. I will be honest with you.
TRUMP: I signed the pledge. And I will abide by the pledge, unless they default. But, as far as I'm concerned, they have defaulted.
DICKERSON: So, you wouldn't abide by the pledge right here right now? You wouldn't abide by the pledge, because you think they're defaulting?
TRUMP: Well, I think you understand exactly what's going on. You just pick up any paper, and it's always talking about, how are we going to overthrow Donald Trump? I'm representing a tremendous -- I'm representing millions of people that have -- really feel angry and disenfranchised. And these are great people. And they like me and I love them. And I'll tell you what. We're not being treated right. The Republican Party is not treating me right, and they're not treating the people that I represent right.
As promised if Trump actually decides to run as a third party candidate, and I firmly believe that he would do so simply out of spite if he felt the GOP was "not treating him right," then I will take back every bad thing I ever said about him.
Of course it will hardly matter, because at that point there will be plenty of bad things said about him by the Republicans.
But certainly NOT by the Clinton campaign.