About 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, the Bridgeport woman, 46, was walking in the first block of South Clark Street when a woman hit her in her face, said the woman, who asked to remain anonymous because she was concerned about her safety.
"It came out of nowhere," she said, noting she'd never before seen her attacker.
After the first hit, the attacker pushed the Bridgeport woman, held her arms and hit her face again, the woman said.
The victim tried to get her phone from her purse to call 911, but her attacker grabbed at the phone, the woman said. Even when she managed to dial 911, the woman couldn't hear or speak to the dispatcher because she was struggling with the attacker over the phone.
"I was thinking, 'Why is this woman attacking me? Why is this happening to me?'" the Bridgeport woman said.
The attacker let go of the phone but then hit the woman in her left eye, the Bridgeport woman said. A man walking by pulled the attacker away from the woman, but the attacker got into a fist fight with the man.
A security guard at a nearby bank pulled the woman into the bank and they called police. It took three officers to arrest the attacking woman, the Bridgeport woman said.
The woman was left with a black eye, a cut eyelid, cuts to her left cheek, cuts on her mouth and a bruised lip, she said. She's had headaches since the attack, she said, and her doctor thinks she should get a CT scan.
"She could've hurt me worse or she could've hurt someone else even worse, so I'm glad they arrested her and got her off the street," the Bridgeport woman said. "I felt relieved that she wasn't in the street any longer to hurt anyone else."
Officers arrested Kamisha Lee, 30, and she has been charged with battery, police said. She was scheduled to appear in court Dec. 29.